The goal of the all-year-round 6-10 week research internship is to train participants in conducting research investigations in critical areas – Climate Change, Urban Planning, Environmental Management, Disaster Mitigation by using a wide array of geospatial data including those acquired in near-real time and static data repositories. The interns who are recruited by a competitive process are paired with expert mentors from across CUNY and other institutions until they successfully complete their projects. The interns are  trained in conducting literature reviews, acquiring and formatting data, design  research methodologies, and perform data analyses. They are trained in writing technical reports and preparing manuscripts some of which are authored/co-authored and published in peer-reviewed journals and proceedings of conferences. Inputs from the industry are used to scope the research project goals which in turn helps the interns in developing industry relevant workforce skills and map career paths.

Research Internship Testimonials

Research Internship Samples

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