All exams and assessments will be taken or submitted online. Bronx Community College, as well as all CUNY campuses, uses Brightspace (starting Summer 2024) as a Learning Management System. [...]
Online coursework requires internet access, preferable with a laptop, or a desktop, or a tablet, as cell phones may be too small to engage in coursework. Microsoft Office 365 for […]
Some professors use Zoom and some do not. Bronx Community College, as well as all CUNY campuses, uses Brightspace (starting Summer 2024) as a Learning Management System. Interaction as well […]
Online courses at Bronx Community College, as well as all CUNY campuses, use Brightspace (starting Summer 2024) as a Learning Management System. Professors and students interact through [...]
The CUNY Online Passport is designed to ensure that undergraduate students in fully online programs have adequate access to the Pathways General Education classes needed to complete their degrees.
-Generally fully online students must have an Internet connected computer/device to remotely access the Learning Management System (LMS) to access course(s) materials. Additionally, remote [...]
-Generally fully online students must have an Internet connected computer/device to remotely access the Learning Management System (LMS) to access course(s) materials. Additionally, remote [...]
If the remote learner encounters internet connectivity issues, they should contact their internet service provider. If the remote leaner encounters technical issues, they should contact the [...]
Our Technology Service Center (TSC) is open Mon-Fri 8:00pm-7pm and Saturdays from 9:00am – 1:00pm. Email: Telephone: 718.289.5970 (Students) 718.289.5969 (Faculty & Staff) [...]