REMEMBERING DR. CAROLYN G. WILLIAMS: David A. Taylor AVP for Campus Operations
In the Book of the Proverbs, Chapter 31, a wise king recounts the counsel of his mother. This chapter of the Bible goes on to describe what is known as “The Proverbs 31 Woman,” one whose “price is far above rubies.”
When you reflect on the life and accomplishments of Carolyn Grubbs Williams, it is easy to see why she fits the mold. Among the words she brings to mind:
• Kind
• Noble
• Trustworthy
• Generous to those in need
• Creative and talented
• Honored her husband Houston, daughter Stacey and family • Worked hard for BCC and her many causes
• Picked and choose her battles carefully
• Made wise decisions and surrounded herself with those who did as well
• Saw the bigger picture and always had a plan
• Used the College’s funds wisely
• Prepared for the future
• Defended the defenseless
• Never wished ill of anyone
• Maintained high standards
• Blessed others
What always impressed me about Dr. Williams was that despite her many accomplishments she remained humble, caring and supportive. Carolyn had the rare quality of engendering devotion from co-workers and colleagues, while simultaneously cultivating and promoting excellence in us all.
“Charm is deceptive, beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears The Lord, will be greatly praised.” (Proverbs 31:30)