BCC’s Denim Day

  Update   •

Each year, on the last Wednesday in April, people around the world gather to bring awareness about sexual violence and to stand up in support of survivors.

Denim Day began in 1999 as a response to a sexual assault conviction that was overturned by the Italian Supreme Court. The justices wrote that since the victim was wearing tight jeans, she must have helped her attacker to remove them – so consent was implicit. The protests that followed in both Italy and the United States are now marked by a day of wearing denim to show solidarity with sexual assault survivors.

Highlights of Denim Day on April 26 at Bronx Community College included remarks from Bronx Deputy Borough President Janet A. Peguero and BCC President Thomas A. Isekenegbe. The day included a self-defense presentation from the Office of Public Safety and the creation of an art piece using pieces of denim where members of the BCC community wrote messages in support of sexual assault awareness.

There were tables set up by the following:

  • NYPD 46 Precinct, Domestic Violence Unit
  • Auxiliary Police of the City of New York
  • Office of the Bronx District Attorney’s Enough is Enough Program
  • BCC Department of Public Safety
  • BCC Office of Judicial Affairs

The BCC community gathered in their denim to show that it stands with all survivors of sexual violence and that we are all here to ensure that our community is safe and supported.

Denim DayDenim Day

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