Last modified by Scott - 8 months ago

Bosworth, Stefan

Dr. Stefan Bosworth is a Full-time Lecturer in Political Science and Sociology. He teaches American Government, Political Science 11 and Introduction to Sociology, Sociology 11 and Social Inequality Sociology 37. He is interested in and has done research focusing on immigration with emphasis on the Dominican diaspora and the affect it has on those who immigrate. The question he asks in his research is, is the American Dream real or make believe? He enjoys teaching, because every semester he teaches students, he learns from students. He sees our students as the future.

Bachelors Sonoma State University Political Science 5//1969
Masters Sonoma State University 1970 Political Science 5/1970
Doctorate CUNY Graduate Center Sociology 5/1987

Selected publications and presentations:
Bosworth, S. (2016, May 5). Religion: The Effects of immigration among three generations of Dominican women. [Conference
Presentation]. The 2016 Biennial Conference of the Dominican Studies Association.
Bosworth, S. & Soy, R. (2015, August 22). Ever changing patterns of courtship and marriage among three generations of Dominican and Dominican American women. [Conference Presentation]. Annual Conference of American Sociological Association.
Soy, R., & Bosworth, S. (2008). Dominican women across three generations: Educational dreams, goals and hopes. Dominican Studies Institute.

Member of the American Sociological Association


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