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Hardman, Elizabeth

Liz Hardman (PhD, Fordham; BA, Reed) is a former Fulbright scholar who researches 15th c. notarial records in what is now southern France. Her publications delve into the socio-economic, religious, and legal history of later medieval Europe. Using her archival research on Latin manuscripts created by notaries who recorded their community’s ecclesiastical, familial, legal, and business affairs, she explores how people fought, expressed their gender identity, managed contractual agreements, and resolved legal disputes. She has shifted from concentrating on justice in church courts to study how women exercised agency, despite the significant restrictions they faced. Dr. Hardman has presented papers at regional, national, and international academic conferences on her research and pedagogy.

At BCC, she teaches medieval and modern history, relying upon, and developing, free Open Educational Resources. She also is a BCC Honors Program Coordinator

Ph.D. and M.A., Fordham University, 2010
B.A., Reed College, 1996

Recent Courses Taught:
HIS 10 History of the Modern World
HIS 11 Introduction to the Modern World
HIS 14 Medieval History

Research Interests:
Medieval; law; inter-religious interaction; gender; violence; debt; revolt

Honors, Awards, and Affiliations:
  • Stewart and BCC Travel Awards and Grants, 2012-2014
  • Faculty Fellowship Publications Program, 2013
  • Alumni Dissertation Fellowship, 2007
  • Fulbright Scholarship, IIE (France), 2004
  • Phi Beta Kappa, 1996
  • Member of Columbia Faculty Seminar Work-group on Law and Politics, 2013-present

Select Publications:
  • Conflicts, Confessions, and Contracts: Diocesan Justice in Fifteenth-Century Carpentras. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill Publishers, 2016.
  • “Regulating Interpersonal Debt in the Bishop's Court of Carpentras: Litigation, Litigators, and the Court, 1486 and 1487.” Journal of Medieval History 40, no. 4 (2014): 478-98.

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