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Rodriguez, Crystal

Dr. Crystal C. Rodriguez is a Professor of Criminal Justice in the Social Sciences Department at Bronx Community College, CUNY. She is a co-founder of the Justice@BCC Committee and the Justice and Advocacy Alliance that supports justice-impacted students at the college. She is an active member of the Association of Latino Faculty and Staff (ALFS).

Dr. Rodriguez started teaching at BCC in 2012 as the first full-time criminal justice faculty member. Her teaching philosophy combines culturally relevant and trauma informed pedagogy with making meaning, cognitive challenge, and conversational instruction to increase student engagement and learning.

Her scholarship focuses on re-entry, cross-cultural competency, quantitative literacy, pedagogical practices, attitudes towards police, and gang prevention.

She was born and raised in the Bronx, New York and is a first-generation college student who educates and advocates for justice. She is an avid runner, boxer, and a dedicated WNBA fan.


Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center/John Jay College of Criminal Justice
M.A., CUNY Graduate School and University Center
M.A., CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice
B.S., SUNY Buffalo State College

Courses Taught

FYS 11: First Year Seminar
CRJ 11: Introduction to Criminal Justice
CRJ 21: Introduction to Criminology
CRJ 22: Introduction to Policing
CRJ 23: Introduction to Corrections

Recent Publications

Rima, B. & Rodriguez, C.C. (2022). What did we learn? Assessment of an interdisciplinary student project. Journal of Effective Teaching in Higher Education, 4(3), pp. 53-70.

Leyro, S., Rodriguez, C. C., & Vizcarrondo, M. (2022). Moving the classroom to the field: Creating opportunities of equity and justice for New York City community college students. Beyond Equity Into Justice: Bringing Theory Into Practice at Community Colleges. Taylor and Francis Group. ISBN 9781032016962

Rodriguez, C. C. & Rima, B. (2022) ¡Presente! Toward more inclusive multicultural curricula.  Journal of Excellence in College Teaching. Volume 33, Number 2, pp 35-60.

Rima, B. & Rodriguez, C.C. (2021). Bringing meaning to learning: An interdisciplinary project for first-year community college students, Teaching of Psychology, 48(3), pp. 204-208.

Recent Grants

 Rodriguez, C.C., Cobb, G., Gonzalez, R. (2023). The Justice and Advocacy Alliance at Bronx Community College, Affinity Legacy Community Grant, awarded $460,000.00.


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