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On June 29, 2020, Chancellor Félix V. Matos Rodríguez announced Bronx Community College’s own Kenneth Adams as the new President of LaGuardia Community College.  President Adams, BCC’s former Dean for Workforce Development & Continuing Education, began serving in his new role on Monday, August 17, 2020 and is the second CUNY president in two years chosen from the ranks of BCC’s talented administrators.

KarlaAs a result of this change, Karla Renee Williams, until last week the Executive Legal Counsel & Deputy to the President, will transition to the role of Interim Dean for Workforce Development & Continuing Education. Dean Williams can be reached at 718-289-5809 and karla.williams@bcc.cuny.edu. When the BCC campus fully re-opens, her office will be on the second floor of Snow Hall, located immediately outside the gates of the BCC campus.

In turn, Susan Fiore has been named Interim Executive Legal Counsel & Labor Designee and Deputy to the President. She will assume the roles of Campus Coronavirus Liaison, Ethics Officer, and Records Access Officer, and continue her work with the Title IX and Behavioral Intervention Teams. Deputy Fiore will become the primary contact for all legal and labor issues, including the Office of the President. Please contact her for any Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) inquiries; financial disclosure, JCOPE Annual Reporting, and Ethics Issues; Workplace Violence complaints or referrals involving members of Public Safety or Human Resources; and Subpoena and document requests. She can be reached at 718-289-5913 and susan.fiore@bcc.cuny.edu. When we return to campus, her office will be located on the second floor of Language Hall within the Office of the President.

Both Deputy Fiore and Dean Williams will be members of Cabinet. Congratulations to these hard-working Broncos, who will continue to give their very best to BCC in their new positions!

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