Watching A Video and Downloading an App will Keep Your Campus Safe
COVID-19 remains a threat to the people of the Bronx. So the small number of students, faculty and staff who need access to BCC for coursework that can’t be done via distance learning are being asked to do their part to curb the pandemic in our community.
First, watch this 12-minute training video on Blackboard, which covers what you need to know about coming to campus during the COVID-19 crisis. You will find it on the right hand side of the screen listed as “Bronx Community College New York State COVID-19 Response: Return to Work Training.”
Then, download the Everbridge health screening app to your mobile device. It will ask you five questions about your health that you need to address before you come on campus. Answer them satisfactorily, and the screen on your device will show you’ve been approved and Public Safety will let you enter. If you don’t take the screening test on your phone, Public Safety will ask you those five questions at the gate and take your temperature.
It is important to download the app and respond accurately before each visit to keep track of the current state of your health. This way you can help us keep the transmission level low.
Go here for more details about the screening app:
Stay safe, for yourself and your campus.