New Health Sciences Degree to Expand Number of Students in Healthcare Jobs
In an unprecedented multidisciplinary cross-campus collaboration, BCC this spring will launch a new Associate in Health Sciences degree aimed at preparing students to move on to a nursing program, another health-related associate or bachelor degree program, or opt into the healthcare field for immediate employment. The AS in Health Sciences will present students with three educational paths (tracks/options) in one program: Healthcare Careers Preparation (e.g., nursing and other professions that provide healthcare services directly to patients and consumers), Healthcare Administration and Care Coordination.
“The new Health Careers Pathway Project is exciting because it will enable a greater number of our students to chart a professional path in the healthcare industry,” said Dr. Stacia Reader, Deputy Chairperson and Professor in the Health, Physical Education and Recreation department. “Clearly, there is a great demand for this program, and particularly right here in our own backyard, in the Bronx. The way I see it is that we are training our community members to serve in the community.”
Dr. Reader said there is a significant portion of the BCC population that enrolls in the College with the intent to become registered nurses. This new degree offers a pathway to nursing as well as alternative options for those who determine they want to pursue a different occupation within the healthcare arena. The AS in Health Sciences will embed valuable certification opportunities, along with health-profession-specific advisement to help students determine their academic and career path.
Development of the Health Sciences program was supported by a two-year Health Careers Pathway Project grant awarded to BCC by the College Completion Innovation Fund/Graduate NYC and included extensive collaboration between Dr. Reader’s department, Biological Sciences, Business and Information Systems, Social Sciences and Workforce Development.