The Department of World Languages and Cultures department requires all students planning to enroll in French or Spanish complete an assessment prior to enrollment in a course. The assessment only serves the department for placement and does not become part of your permanent record. Please take ONE assessment for the language of your choosing. The assessment should take no longer than 10-20 minutes (probably less) to complete. The placement manager will contact you after it is completed.

You may also consider taking any language offered: Arabic, Italian, Japanese or Portuguese. If you have previous experience with any of these please email

Please select ONE language from our Fall Links:

Get Ready and Stay Ready

We administer an online placement exam to help individualize your program. These tests are designed to determine which foreign language course students should take, based on their ability. The exam presents questions of different levels, adapting the questions according to the students’ answers.

Please follow up with us for more information.


Main Office
Colston Hall, Room 208

Mon – Thurs: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Tutor Schedules

Individual tutor schedules will be posted per semester.

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