Program Description
Science: Physics Option
A student interested in the Associate in Science (AS) degree in Science has to choose one of four options: Biology, Chemistry, Earth Systems and Environmental Science, or Physics. Each option prepares students for transfer to a complementary four-year degree program. Students in the Physics option usually transfer to colleges offering bachelor’s degrees in engineering (civil, electrical, mechanical, etc.) or in the physical sciences. Enrichment programs are offered to encourage students to continue their education beyond the bachelor degree by attending graduate or other professional programs (e.g., medical school, physician assistant programs, physical therapy programs). Please note that the option articulates with SUNY Empire State College. Please visit the Transfer Planning web site for more details.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the Science program requirements, students will be able to:
- Identify and apply the fundamental concepts and methods of a life or physical science.
- Apply the scientific method to explore natural phenomena, including hypothesis development, observation, experimentation, measurement, data analysis, and data presentation.
- Interpret and draw appropriate inferences from quantitative representation such as formulas, graphs, or tables and represent quantitative problems expressed in natural language in a mathematical format.
- Use algebraic, numerical, graphical, or statistical methods to solve mathematical problems and to apply mathematical methods in a scientific field.
Upon successful completion of the Physics option requirements, students will be able to:
- Students will demonstrate a conceptual understanding of Physics principles, including those in Newtonian Mechanics, Electricity, Fluid Dynamics, and Magnetism.
- Students will show mastery of a variety of experimental techniques, data analysis, scientific writing, and presentation skills.
- Students will demonstrate the ability to use analytical and / or computational methods to solve Physics problems.
Option Coordinator: Joseph Malinsky