Degree Programs and Courses
Automotive Technician Certificate | Automotive Technology AAS | Cybersecurity and Networking Degree AAS| Cybersecurity and Networking Cert. | Electronic Engineering Technology AAS | Energy Services and Technology AAS | Engineering Sciences AAS | Science: Physics Option | AAS Nuclear Medicine Technology | Nuclear Medicine Certificate l Telecommunications Technology AAS
Course Descriptions
ACS 10 3 lab 1 cr
Introduction to Automotive Technology
This course will introduce students to career choices in and basic skills related to,the automotive industry. Topics covered include basic shop safety, overview of electrical principles and automotive systems and proper use of tools and diagnostic instrumentation.
Corequisites: ENG 2, RDL 2, MTH 5, if required
ACS 11 2 rec 4 lab 4 cr
Engine Repair
A study of the modern internal combustion gasoline engine including basic principles of design and operation. This course covers disassembly, inspection and precision measuring and continues with reassembly including fitting and reconditioning parts. It also includes material covering engine support systems including cooling, lubrication and basic ignition system fundamentals and engine lubricants.
Corequisite: ACS 10
ACS 12 1 rec 4 lab 3 cr
Brake Systems
This course will study the design, operation and maintenance of the automotive brake system including diagnostics and servicing of rotors and drums, measuring and resurfacing. Anti-lock brake systems, traction control systems and front wheel drive axle shaft service are also covered.
Corequisite: ACS 10
ACS 13 2 rec 2 lab 3 cr
Engine Performance
This course begins with engine operation including conventional ignition systems and focuses on modern ignition techniques, engine, transmission and body control systems and other computer control systems. It explores modern diagnostic test techniques, equipment and procedures and provides a thorough understanding of modern vehicle fuel control systems.
Prerequisites: ACS 11, ACS 24
ACS 14 1 rec 4 lab 3 cr
Manual Drive Train and Axle
This course covers both conventional rear-drive systems and front-drive configurations. It concentrates on transmission maintenance, service and repair and includes driveline service and repair of the clutch, ring gear and pinion, differential case assembly, drive shaft, half shaft and four wheel drive systems.
Prerequisites: ACS 11, ACS 24
ACS 21 2 rec 3 lab 3 cr
Steering and Suspension Systems
A study of the design, operating principles and service of automotive suspension and steering systems including McPherson strut and multi-link designs, solid axle and independent systems. Tire construction, wear diagnosis and service are covered and emphasis is placed on wheel alignment procedures, including computerized four-wheel alignment. New technologies are covered including four-wheel steering, electronic steering and computerized suspension systems.
Prerequisites: ACS 10, ACS 24
ACS 22 1 rec 6 lab 4 cr
Automatic Transmission and Transaxle
This course begins with the basics of hydraulics and how they are applied to traditional automatic transmissions with rear drive vehicles and focuses on modern computer controlled transaxle applications. It includes in-car and out-of-vehicle service, maintenance, repair and adjustment using modern diagnostic techniques and equipment.
Prerequisites: ACS 11, ACS 24
ACS 23 2 rec 3 lab 3 cr
Heating and Air Conditioning
A study of vehicle climate control systems including heating and air conditioning. Includes theory, operational specifics, test procedures and service of factory and aftermarket equipment. It touches briefly on R12 system service and upgrades and focuses on 134A systems including testing, diagnosis, parts replacement and charging of A/C systems and troubleshooting electrical, electronic and mechanical heating and cooling system controls.
Prerequisites: ACS 10, ACS 24
ACS 24 2 rec 2 lab 3 cr
Electrical Systems
This course begins with the basics of electrical theory and advances through the operation of all 12 Volt systems used in the modern automobile including: storage batteries, alternator/charging systems, starter circuitry, wiring harnesses lighting and body accessories. The course places emphasis on the use of both DVOM technology and computer based diagnostics.
Corequisite: ACS 10
ACS 35 2 rec 3 lab 3 cr
Alternative Fuel Technology
This course will overview alternative fuels: ethanol, methanol, compressed natural gas (CNG), liquid natural gas (LNG), propane (LPG), hydrogen, electricity (including hybrids) and fuel cells. It will explain the sources and processing of alternative fuel. It will discuss alternative fuels currently in use and under development and compare the benefits and drawbacks of each. It will explain lean burn technology, how combustion is different with a gaseous fuel and major policies and regulations pertaining to the installation, operation and inspection of alternative fuel vehicles.
Prerequisite: ACS 11 and AVS 24
ACS 36 2 rec 3 lab 3 cr
Hybrid / Electric Vehicles
This course begins with the introduction of Hybrid vehicles and their impact on the environment. It explores a different kind of hybrid vehicles and their configurations. The course also focuses on modern battery technology, the safety concerns associated with high voltage components and a thorough understanding of regenerative braking systems. The course also includes a review of electric motors and charging system and a review of first responder procedures.
Prerequisites: ACS 11, ACS 24
ACS 38 2 rec 4 lab 4 cr
Advanced Vehicle Diagnostics
This course begins with a review of electrical theory and scan tool operation. Students then focus on the modern diagnostic techniques with extensive hands-on practice using electronic diagnostic tools. In addition, the course will focus on wiring diagram interpretation, circuit analysis, as well as pinpoint testing. The student will be taken deep into the use of a scan tool, computer protocols, and data interpretation to arrive at a logical repair conclusion.
Prerequisite: ACS10, ACS24
Corequisite: ACS13
ACS 45 2 rec 2 lab 3 cr
Diesel Technology
This course introduces the student to diesel technology theory and operation starting with early designs and construction but focuses mostly on modern diesel engine design and controls. It explores modern diagnostic test techniques and provides a thorough understanding of the importance of maintenance procedures and modern diesel engine control systems.
Prerequisites: ACS 11, ACS 24
ACS 46 2 rec 2 lab 3 cr
Diesel Engine Performance
This course begins with engine operation including conventional diesel injection, but focuses on modern common rail injection techniques. The course will explore the GM Duramax system, the Ford Powerstroke Systems, the Cummins PT and common rail systems, as well as Bosh Systems used by several manufacturers. The course explores modern diagnostic and test techniques, equipment and procedures and provides a thorough exposure to modern diesel electronic control systems.
Prerequisite or Corequisite: ACS 13, ACS 45
ACS 47 2 rec 2 lab 3 cr
Air Brakes and Suspension
This course begins with the introduction of compressed air systems for the activation of brakes and suspension on trucks and trailers. It explores the different components for the production and storage of air under pressure as well as the various control valves. The course also focuses on dehumidifiers, air dryers and foundation brake components for both, tractors and trailers as well as ABS and traction control systems. The course also looks at the rules and regulations from DOT concerning air brakes specification and safety for heavy duty trucks.
Prerequisites: ACS 10 and ACS 12
ELC 11 3 lab 4 rec 4 cr
DC Circuit Analysis
Resistance: Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff’s laws, networks with DC current and voltage sources, branch-current analysis, mesh and nodal analysis, and superposition. Thevenin’s, Norton’s maximum power theorems, capacitance and inductance. Use of basic test instruments
Corequisite(s): MTH 06.
ELC 15 1 lec 2 lab 2 cr
Computer Applications in Technology
Introductory course in basic computer orientation and implementation of hardware and software applications in technology. Students will use various software packages to create documents, spreadsheets, graphs, databases and presentations. Students will utilize this knowledge to solve problems and transfer information via electronic media. Lectures, interactive learning and demonstrations will be employed. Laboratory exercises will be required
Corequisite(s): MTH 05.
ELC 18 1 lec 2 lab 2 cr
Computer Programming for Engineering Technology
Introduction to computer programming using a visual programming language. The student is introduced to the concepts of application development, user interface design, program development methodology, structured programming, and object-oriented programming. Projects relevant to electrical and electronic circuits are developed to emphasize areas of problem-solving methods, modeling, data analysis and graphing, and interfacing
Prerequisite(s): ELC 15.
Corequisite(s): MTH 06.
ELC 21 3 lab 3 rec 4 cr
AC Circuit Analysis
Sinusoidal waveform, phasor quantities, impedance, Kirchhoffs laws, network theorems, power, frequency response of RC and RL circuits, and resonance. Laboratory hours complement class work
Prerequisite(s): ELC 11.
Corequisite(s): MTH 13 and RDL 02 or ENG 02 if required.
ELC 25 3 lab 3 rec 4 cr
Electronics I
In this course students are taught the characteristics of amplifiers using op-amps with respect to amplification, dB frequency response, and input and output impedance. Op-amp applications are introduced with emphasis on the uses of these devices in the telecommunications industry. Electro-optical devices, power supplies, and switches are studied. The frequency response of passive networks and amplifiers is measured. Analysis by computer simulations is stressed
Prerequisite(s): ELC 11 or ELC 31.
ELC 26 3 rec 3 lab 4 cr
Electronic Systems for Telecommunications I
Students practice the analysis and application of advanced electronic circuits as applied to the telecommunications industry. Topics include the frequency response of filters, op-amps, oscillators, amplitude modulation, noise and LC circuits. Troubleshooting and analysis by computer simulation software is stressed throughout.
Prerequisites: ELC 31, PHY 21
ELC 35 3 lab 3 rec 4 cr
Electronics II
Students practice the analysis and application of advanced electronic circuits as applied to the electronics and telecommunications industry. Topics include frequency response of active filters and oscillators; amplitude modulation, frequency modulations, and phase locked loops; pulse modulation concepts; introduction to television; theoretical and hands-on trouble-shooting of test circuits; and analysis by computer simulation
Prerequisite(s): ELC 25.
ELC 36 3 rec 3 lab 4 cr
Electronic Systems for Telecommunications II
Students practice the analysis and application of advanced electronic circuits as applied to the telecommunications industry. Topics include frequency modulation, communication techniques: digital, wired and wireless, transmission lines, antennas and fiber optics. Troubleshooting and analysis by computer simulation software are stressed throughout.
Prerequisites: ELC 26
ELC 51 3 lab 2 rec 3 cr
Electronic Controls
The course introduces discrete and continuous control systems. Open and closed loop systems are analyzed. The use of semi-conductor devices, operational amplifiers, programmable logic controllers and other topics are discussed
Prerequisite(s): ELC 35, ELC 96.
ELC 81 3 lab 3 rec 4 cr
Electronic Communications
Generation and processing of signals, including modulation, frequency conversation, bandwidth, oscillators, and noise. Amplitude, frequency, phase modulators, demodulators, phase-locked loops transmission, digital communications, and phase-shift keying. Laboratory hours complement class work
Prerequisite(s): ELC 35.
Corequisite(s): ELC 18, PHY 22, MTH 15.
ELC 94 3 lab 3 rec 4 cr
Laser and Fiber Optic Communications
Trains students to understand fiber optic technology and to provide the necessary skill for handling, installing, and maintaining complete optical communication systems. Topics include principles of light and lasers, optical fiber and its properties, fiber fabrication and cable design, optical sources and the injection laser diode, photo detectors, modulation schemes for fiber optics, practical optical transmitters and receivers, installation and testing of fiber systems, troubleshooting of test circuits and analysis by computer simulation
Prerequisite(s): PHY 22, ELC 35, ELC 81.
Corequisite(s): ELC 81.
ELC 96 3 lect/rec 3 lab 4 cr
Digital Systems I
This course presents topics in hardware and systems as used in the electronics and telecommunications industry. Electrical and digital circuits are explored. Binary codes and logic systems are discussed as they apply to electronic and telecommunications equipment. Students will explore hardware to the modular level. Students will simulate and demonstrate digital circuits
Prerequisite(s): ELC 13 or ELC 15.
Corequisite(s): MTH 10 or MTH 13 or MTH 30.
ELC 97 3 lec 3 lab 3 rec 4 cr
Digital Systems II
Students will work with hardware and software installation and be introduced to personal computer fundamentals. Students will connect a personal computer to a network, and install and set up a printer. The course will cover managing and supporting Windows; configuring user related issues and customization, and learning how to maintain a computer and troubleshooting fundamentals
Prerequisite(s): ELC 96.
EST 11 1 lec 1 rec 2 cr
Introduction to Energy Technology
Introduces energy concepts and resources, energy conversion systems, institutions and global implications. Infrastructure and technology at micro-scale (household and personal electrification) and at macro-scale (transportation, electricity). Societal use patterns. Evolution of and alternatives to present dominant energy systems. Exercises in recognizing and evaluating energy infrastructure, use, waste and costs in everyday life
Corequisite(s): ENG 02 and RDL 02, if required.
EST 15 2 lec 1 rec 3 cr
Energy Economics
A survey of market factors affecting the availability and pricing of various forms of energy, public policy dimensions, and the microeconomic decision-making of firms with respect to projects and investments. Utility regulation and rates. Project economic analysis and financing methods
Corequisite(s): ECO 11 or ECO 12.
EST 21 1 lec 2 lab 2 cr
Energy Analysis of Mechanical and Electrical Equipment
Development of basic heat flow and thermodynamic concepts, emphasizing practice in applying basic concepts and analytical methods to physical systems and equipment. Application of thermodynamics and instrumentation for heuristic measures of system performance, characterization of efficiency, and as basis of energy audits. Fieldwork and lab benchwork demonstrating various kinds of systems and measurements
Prerequisite(s): PHY 21.
EST 31 2 lec 1 rec 3 cr
Building Systems I
Introduction to building systems as related to energy use. Particular focus on thermal comfort, understanding and calculation of building loads. Coverage of mechanical (HVAC) and electrical systems, equipment components and the role of codes and standards within the industry
Prerequisite(s): EST 11, PHY 21.
EST 32 2 lec 2 lab 3 cr
Building Systems II
Practicum/internship course emphasizing quantitative analysis of energy use and opportunities for improvement in specific building systems and equipment. Students will work with actual building plan sets, energy use histories, and manual calculations. Students will be introduced to computer modeling, including an option for projects at the students place of work or assigned practicum or internship. Topics include quantity take-offs from plans, set-up, calibration and validation of building models, schematics and control sequences of operation, energy reduction analysis and green-building standards
Prerequisite(s): EST 21, EST 31.
EST 41 2 lec 1 rec 3 cr
Principles of Energy Management I
An introduction to the principles of energy management in organizations. Energy purchasing and risk management. Energy auditing, project development, monitoring and verification for improvement in various systems. Practice with data management and spreadsheet applications. Organizational aspects of energy accounting, use and management
Prerequisite(s): EST 21.
Corequisite(s): EST 31.
EST 42 1 lec 2 rec 3 cr
Principles of Energy Management II
Capstone practicum course in which students will conduct and prepare an energy audit of a specific facility (selected in consultation and with approval of the instructor) and create a strategic plan for gaining organizational commitment to energy management goals and a specific energy management implementation. Classes review technical measures and methods, and organizational analysis in the context of student field projects
Prerequisite(s): EST 21, EST 31.
EGR 11 3 lab 1 cr
Introduction to Engineering Design
An introduction to the major engineering disciplines. Basic concepts in engineering are covered in an integrated manner to: illustrate basic concepts in the context of real applications; illustrate a logical way of thinking about problems and their solutions; and convey the excitement of the profession. These goals are attained through analysis, construction and testing of various projects that incorporate concepts from a broad range of areas within major engineering fields.
Corequisite: MTH 30
EGR 21 1 rec 2 lab 2 cr
Analysis Tools for Engineers
An introduction to analysis techniques necessary for the solution of engineering problems such as the design of electrical systems. Concepts that are suited to computational solutions are introduced through short lectures and are examined thoroughly during workstation-based workshops in computer labs. Practical technical examples and problems within the engineering disciplines are covered. Among the topics studied are functions of real variables and their graphs, complex numbers, difference equations, numerical integration and an introduction to system analysis.
Prerequisite: MTH 31
EGR 31 2 lect 2 lab 3 cr
Circuit Analysis
This is a study of basic circuit laws: Ohm’s law and Kirchhoff’s law. Methods of circuit analysis. Circuit theorems. Operational amplifiers. Capacitors and inductors. Sinusoids and phasors. Sinusoidal steady-state analysis. Introduction to digital circuits. Corequisites: MTH 33, PHY 33
NMT 71 2 lab 1 cr
Nuclear Physics Laboratory
Chronological development of nuclear physics in the 20th century as represented by the experimental work on blackbody radiation, photoelectric effect, matter waves, Compton scattering and pair-production. Comparison of radiation measuring devices including GM and scintillation survey meters, gamma cameras, well counters and dosimeters. Quality control and radiation safety
Prerequisite(s): PHY 24 and permission of the NMT program director.
Corequisite(s): NMT 81-84.
NMT 78 1 lec 2 lab 2 cr
EKG – Interpretation and Techniques
Introduction to EKG. Topics include: electrical physiology of the heart, electrocardiographic tracing, leads (3 vs. 12), and analog and digital EKG. Some clinical hours may extend beyond the semester
Prerequisite(s): BIO 24 and permission of the NMT program director, or BIO 21 and BIO 22 and permission of the medical office assistant curriculum coordinator..
NMT 79 1 lec 2 lab 2 cr
Introduction to phlebotomy. Topics include phlebotomy principles, anatomy and physiology of the circulatory system, safety, equipment and techniques. Students completing this course qualify for the certification exam in phlebotomy
Prerequisite(s): BIO 24 and permission of the NMT program director, or BIO 21 and BIO 22 and permission of the medical office assistant curriculum coordinator.
NMT 81 3 lect/dem 3 cr
Orientation in Clinical Nuclear Medicine
Orientation to the hospital environment and to various phases of nuclear medicine technology, hospital administration and procedures
Prerequisite(s): Completion of Pre-NMT Sequence.
NMT 82 3 lect/dem 3 cr
Radio-Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Preparation and use of radio-pharmaceuticals, uptake of radiopharmaceuticals by various organs, and time-dependent effects
Prerequisite(s): BIO 23, CHM 18.
Corequisite(s): NMT 81.
NMT 83 2 lab 2 rec 3 cr
Radiation Physics and Dosimetry
Elements of nuclear physics, the conservation laws; alpha, beta, and gamma decay; the neutrino; elements of health physics; the roentgen, REM, REP, and RAD; maximum safe human exposure to radiation; and regulations governing exposure
Corequisite(s): NMT 81.
NMT 84 2 lec 2 cr
Radiation Biology
A comprehensive study of radiation effects on cells including direct and indirect action of ionizing radiation; damage induced by free radicals in DNA; interpretation of survival data; radiation genetics; radiation effects on embryos; delayed effects; radiation safety and health physics
Corequisite(s): NMT 81.
NMT 85 1 lec 3 lab 2 cr
Nuclear Medicine Procedures
Nuclear medicine procedures related to the cardiovascular pulmonary system, endocrine system, central nervous system, gastrointestinal system, genitourinary system, skeletal system, hematological system and other therapeutic procedures; introduction to radioimmunoassay principles and procedures
Prerequisite(s): BIO 24, NMT 83.
NMT 86 2 rec 1 cr
Didactic Nuclear Medicine
The rationale for applications of radiopharmaceuticals for in vivo and in vitro procedures; discussion of individual organ systems, RIA principles and procedures. Review of relevant medical law and patient care
Prerequisite(s): NMT 84.
Corequisite(s): NMT 85.
NMT 87 1,100 clin/lab 4 cr
Clinical Nuclear Medicine
Static and dynamic radionuclide procedures on patients; tomographic procedures; interpretation of radionuclide scans and gamma-camera images; nuclear medicine instrumentation; and alternative imaging processes
Prerequisite(s): NMT 84.
Corequisite(s): NMT 86.
NMT 88 1 lec 1 cr
Senior NMT Seminar
Students meet with medical directors liaison and clinical director to discuss research topics in Nuclear Medicine. Term papers and oral reports based on assigned reading material and concepts analyzed during the didactic and laboratory segments of the NMT program
Prerequisite(s): NMT 86.
Corequisite(s): NMT 87.
NMT 89 2 lec 160 clin 4 lab 4 cr
Introduction to Cardiac Ultrasound
Topics include physics of ultrasound, ultrasound instrumentation, emergency medical procedures, Doppler and transesophageal echocardiology. Clinical rotation is at Montefiore Medical Center where each student participates in approximately 150 procedures. Students completing this course will receive a certificate from Montefiore Medical Center
Prerequisite(s): BIO 24, permission of NMT program director.
PHY 01 4 rec
Introduction to College Physics
Fundamental laws and principles of classical physics; vectors, Newtons Laws, conservation principles, laws of thermodynamics. (Required for engineering science and physics majors who have not had high school physics.)
Prerequisite(s): MTH 06 or equivalent.
Corequisite(s): RDL 02 if required.
PHY 10 2 lec 2 lab 1 rec 4 cr
Concepts of Physics
An elective course that introduces major ideas about the nature of the physical world and methods used in exploring them. Topics include motion and forces; work and energy; nature of light and sound; electricity, magnetism and applications to modern technology; and nature of the atom
Prerequisite(s): MTH 03.
Corequisite(s): RDL 02 and ENG 02.
PHY 11 2 lec 2 lab 1 rec 4 cr
College Physics I
Introduction to principles and methods of physics. Topics include Newtons Laws of Motion, mechanics, heat, and sound. (Recommended for liberal arts and life science majors, including biology and psychology.)
Prerequisite(s): MTH 06.
Corequisite(s): ENG 02 or RDL 02 if required.
PHY 12 2 lec 2 lab 1 rec 4 cr
College Physics II
Elements of electric circuits, electromagnetic theory, light, selected topics in atomic and nuclear physics
Prerequisite(s): PHY 11.
PHY 21 2 lec 2 lab 1 rec 4 cr
Physics for Engineering Technology I
Statics, kinematics, dynamics, work and energy, circular motion, and simple harmonic motion with special applications to problems in technology
Prerequisite(s): Intermediate Algebra or MTH 06.
Corequisite(s): ENG 02 or RDL 02 if required.
PHY 22 2 lec 2 lab 1 rec 4 cr
Physics for Engineering Technology II
Fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, optics, and superconductors
Prerequisite(s): PHY 21.
PHY 24 3 lab 3 rec 4 cr
Principles of General Physics
Basic principles of general physics; survey of mechanics, heat, electricity, magnetism, optics and modern physics. (This course does not fulfill the Physics requirement for curricula requiring a year or more of Physics.)
Prerequisite(s): MTH 06 or equivalent.
PHY 31 2 lec 2 lab 2 rec 4 cr
Physics I
Statics and dynamics of particles and rigid bodies; force and motion; energy and momentum; rotational motion, elasticity and simple harmonic motion. First semester of a three-semester sequence for students in engineering or computer science (PHY 31, 32, and 33). Also recommended for science or mathematics majors in a liberal arts and sciences transfer program
Prerequisite(s): High School physics or PHY 01.
Corequisite(s): MTH 31 and ENG 02 and RDL 02 if required.
PHY 32 2 lec 2 lab 2 rec 4 cr
Physics II
Hydrostatics and hydrodynamics; properties of gases; thermodynamics and kinetic theory of matter; wave motion; sound; electrostatics
Prerequisite(s): PHY 31.
Corequisite(s): MTH 32.
PHY 33 3 lab/alt wks 3 lec 2 rec 4 cr
Physics III
Electromagnetic theory; direct and alternating currents; electromagnetic waves; geometrical and physical optics; modern physics
Prerequisite(s): PHY 32.
Corequisite(s): MTH 33.
PHY 35 3 lec 3 cr
Introductory concepts and definitions of thermodynamics. Zeroth Law of thermodynamics and absolute temperature. Work and heat. First Law and applications. Second Law, Carnot theorem, entropy, thermodynamic state variables and functions, and reversibility. Power and refrigeration cycles
Prerequisite(s): CHM 11 and PHY 32.
Corequisite(s): MTH 33.
PHY 40 2 lab 2 rec 3 cr
Physics of Light and Sound
A qualitative treatment of wave phenomena and associated properties of light and sound; reflection, refraction, image formation, optics of the eye, interference and diffraction sound, sympathetic vibrations, acoustical properties, laser applications, and music. (Required for students in Media Technology.)
Prerequisite(s): MTH 03.
PHY 51 3 lec 2 lab 3 cr
Modern Physics
Elementary quantum theory, quantum numbers, atomic shell structures and the periodic table; structure of solids; band theory of metals, insulators, and semiconductors; x-rays and gamma radiation; relativity; and nuclear physics
Prerequisite(s): PHY 33.
Corequisite(s): MTH 34.
PHY 61 2 lec 2 lab 3 cr
Computer Methods and Programming for Applied Scientific Purposes
Algorithms; introduction to computer systems and computer logic; programming languages (e.g., FORTRAN); data representation; computer solutions to problems in engineering science, physics, and mathematics; using numerical methods to include numerical integration, numerical differentiation, and method of least squares; and random number generation and probability
Prerequisite(s): MTH 15 or MTH 31 and one semester of college physics, or permission of the department.
TEC 11 2 lab 3 rec 4 cr
Voice Communications
Introduction to techniques, principles, and terminology of voice telecommunications. Public and private telecommunication networks are examined. Telecommunication equipment, switching and transmission technology are demonstrated. Frequency spectrum modulation schemes and multiplexing techniques are explored. Lectures and interactive learning demonstrations. Laboratory exercises required
Prerequisite(s): ELC 25.
Corequisite(s): ELC 25.
TEC 21 2 lab 3 rec 4 cr
Data Communications
Introduction to techniques, principles, and terminology of data communications. Public and private networks are examined. Data communication equipment multiplexing and interactive learning, and demonstrations. Laboratory exercises required
Prerequisite(s): ELC 25.
Corequisite(s): TEC 11.
TEC 31 2 lab 3 rec 4 cr
Local Area Networks
Introduction to the technology of local area networks (LANs). Topologies, transmission media, network interfaces, and the access methods are examined. Shared resources and interconnecting of LANs are explored. Lectures, interactive learning, and demonstrations are employed. Laboratory exercises are required
Prerequisite(s): TEC 21.
TEC 41 2 lab 3 rec 4 cr
Advanced Topics in Telecommunications
Survey of current and emerging technologies in telecommunications. Lectures, interactive learning, demonstrations, and site visits. Laboratory exercises required
Prerequisite(s): TEC 21.
Corequisite(s): TEC 31.