Financing your education may not be as difficult as you may think. Many students are eligible for some form of financial aid, including Pell grants, TAP grants, and/or direct loans that help cover tuition expenses. We also offer other payment options for students who are not eligible for full financial aid, including a monthly tuition payment plan through Nelnet. The links below provide a description of all available payment options.
Financial Aid and Scholarships
Payment Plans & Personal Payments
Third-Party Payments
Once you enroll in your classes, you are accepting financial responsibility for payment. If you decide not to attend, you must officially drop your courses before the first day of classes to cancel registration for the semester or session and avoid liability charges.
The college will NOT mail a bill to your home. A copy of your statement can be printed through your online access to CUNYfirst.
All tuition and fees are subject to change without notice at any time upon action by the Board of Trustees of the City University of New York, regardless of the tuition and fees in effect at the time of registration.
Payment Note: if you do not make full payment on your tuition and fees and other college bills and your account is sent to a collection agency, you will be responsible for all collection costs, including agency fees, attorney fees and court costs, in addition to whatever amounts you owe the college.