Degree Programs

AS in Science: Chemistry  | AS in Science: Earth Systems and Environmental Science | Science for Forensics AS

Chemistry and Chemical Technology

We have the responsibility to provide courses in chemistry for students in the various programs and curricula. These courses meet the requirements for the first two years of a four-year college program. They include first and second-year courses for chemistry and other science majors, health science majors, and courses for non-science majors.

The specific goals of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology are:

  • Develop transfer and career programs to respond to the education and employment needs of the community that we serve.
  • Develop and maintain modern and competitive chemistry courses to serve the science and non-science students of the college.
  • Maintain a high level of instructional excellence through experienced and dedicated technical staff.

In addition to the traditional basic and advanced college chemistry courses, the Department offers career-oriented programs, Earth Systems, and Environmental Science, and, most recently, Forensic Science.

Course Descriptions


CHM 11            1 rec 2 lect 3 lab 4 cr
General College Chemistry l*

Fundamental principles and theories of chemistry, aspects of atomic structure and bonding, chemical calculations, states of matter, and solutions. Laboratory: chemical techniques and principles.
Prerequisites: MTH 28 OR MATH 28.5 AND ENG 110 (if required)


CHM 12        1 rec 2 lect 3 lab 4 cr
General College Chemistry II

Solutions, kinetics, equilibria, electrochemistry, properties of non-metallic and metallic elements, nuclear chemistry, organic chemistry. Laboratory: chemical techniques and principles and qualitative analysis. (Chemistry and other science majors should take CHM 22 in the second semester. Engineering Science majors may choose either CHM 12 or CHM 22 in the second semester.)
Prerequisite: CHM 11 Flexible Core – Scientific World

CHM 13        3 rec 3 cr
Chemistry and the Environment

CHM 13 is a 3 credit course for non-science majors. The course focuses on understanding the chemistry of the environment in relation to air quality, water quality, global climate change, nuclear energy, the chemistry of plastics, and the environmental issues associated with it, etc. Lab activities are included to reinforce lecture concepts.
Prerequisites: MTH 5 and ENG 2 or RDL 2 Required Core – Life and Physical Sciences

CHM 17       1 rec 2 lect 3 lab 4 cr
Fundamentals of General Chemistry I*

An introductory course in general chemistry, atomic theory, formulas and equations, electron configurations, the periodic table, chemical bonding, molecular structure, calculations, gas, liquid and solid states, and solutions. Laboratory: illustrates the principles of the course and laboratory techniques.
Prerequisites:  CUNY English Proficiency; or ENG 100 or 110 (if required) AND CUNY Math Proficiency; or MTH 23.5 or 28.5 (if required)

CHM 18         1 rec 2 lect 3 lab 4 cr
Fundamentals of General Chemistry II

Continuation of CHM 17. Ionic reactions; acid-base theories, pH, chemical equilibria, structure, nomenclature, and properties of hydrocarbons, alcohols, ethers, carbonyl compounds, amine and amides, acids, esters, fats, lipids, amino acids, proteins, and carbohydrates.
Prerequisite: CHM 17 Flexible Core – Scientific World

CHM 20      1 rec, 2 lec, 3 lab, 4 cr
Introduction to Nanoscience

The course will give students an introduction to nanoscience, synthesis of nanomaterials, the tools to determine the mechanical properties and characterize these materials (for example, Electron Microscopy (SEM/TEM), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)), nanoscale modeling and societal impacts of nanomaterials/ technology (such as ethical, legal, environmental implications). Students will choose a nanomaterial of interest and also do a term paper and presentation. Laboratory demonstrations will illustrate the principles of the course and laboratory techniques.
Prerequisites: CHM 11 or CHM 17 Flexible Core – Scientific World CHM 27 2 lect 2 cr Principles of Laboratory Safety Presents the basic concepts of laboratory safety. Topics include legal issues, chemical and biological hazards, storage, laboratory design, and emergency responses.
Prerequisite: CHM 11 or CHM 17

CHM 31         1 rec 3 lect 4 lab 5 cr
Organic Chemistry I

Structure, nomenclature, properties, and reactions of organic compounds including electronic theory and mechanisms. Laboratory: preparation, purification, and identification of representative organic compounds. Prerequisites: CHM 12, 18, or CHM 22

CHM 32        1 rec 3 lect 4 lab 5 cr
Organic Chemistry II

Organic spectroscopy (IR, NMR, UV) and mass spectrometry; molecular orbital theory applied to conjugated and aromatic systems; physical, chemical properties and major reactions of the main classes of organic molecules; aromatics, alcohols, aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acids, carboxylic acid derivatives, amines, amides, peptides, carbohydrates as well as carbonyl ∫-substitution reactions and carbonyl condensation reactions.
Prerequisite: CHM 31

CHM 33         2 lect 6 lab 4 cr
Quantitative Analysis

Theory and laboratory methods of quantitative chemical analysis with laboratory determinations employing gravimetric and titrimetric (volumetric) methods, including acid-base, precipitation, and oxidation-reduction reactions; use of chelating agents and analytical instruments.

CHM 37        1 rec 2 lect 3 lab 4 cr
Quantitative Instrumental

Analysis Covers basic discussions of the theory, operation, and analytical applications of spectroscopy and chromatography. This course begins to develop expertise in techniques involving the operation of many common laboratory instruments and how they are used in quantitative analysis with specific applications in the pharmaceutical field.

CHM 38      1 lect 2 lab 2 cr
Computer Applications in Chemistry

Introduction to computer applications in chemistry including ChemOffice, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet searches, and research and molecular modeling programs.
Prerequisite: CHM 11 or CHM 17

CHM 39        3 lect 3 cr
Foundations of Pharmaceutical Process Technology

Discusses the wide variety of products generated by the US pharmaceutical and chemical process industry; focuses on changing government regulations, environmental health, and safety issues, and changing technologies. Provides knowledge of the chemical technician’s role in the pharmaceutical and chemical process industry.

CHM 40       3 lect 3 cr
Pharmaceutical and Chemical Technology

Introduction to chemical processes and methods currently used in industry, including fluid flow, heat transfer, plant utilities, distillation, extractions, crystallization, filtration, drying, etc. Students will also investigate current topics and technology applications. Students choose a current method and write a comprehensive review of its use and applications. Fieldwork investigations, library, or computer investigations may be required.

CHM/BIO/PHY 100       3 lect 3 cr
Sustainability, Energy and the Green Economy

CHM 100 introduces students to the foundations of the sustainability movement and connects them with real-world applications. The course will explore the relationships between society, the environment, and the modern economy.
Prerequisite: ENG 2 or RDL 2;
Corequisite: MTH 5 (if required) Flexible Core – Scientific World

CHM 101        3 lab 1 cr
Contemporary Chemistry Laboratory

CHM 101, Contemporary Chemistry Laboratory, is a 1-credit, 3-hour laboratory course designed to teach non-science majors the fundamentals of working with laboratory equipment, data gathering, analysis, and reporting. Laboratory exercises are included to illustrate the principles of general chemistry and to provide practical examples of chemistry in our everyday lives, such as in foods, cosmetics and personal care, and household products. The laboratory exercises incorporate the use of modern chemical instrumentation available in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology.
Prerequisites / Corequisite: CHM 10 or CHM 110

CHM 110       2 lect 1 rec 3 cr
Contemporary Chemistry

CHM 110 is an elementary course for Liberal Arts and other non-science students that provide students with a basic knowledge of General and Organic Chemistry and their application in understanding drugs, energy, and the environment. In addition to this, laboratory activities to enhance student interest and skills are included: measurements, testing the pH of household products and beverages, measuring sugars in beverages, monitoring ambient levels of carbon dioxide, etc.
Prerequisites / Corequisite: MTH 5 AND RDL 2 Required Core – Life and Physical Sciences

Earth Systems and Environmental Science

ESE 11      2 lec 1 rec 3 lab 4 cr
Earth Systems Science: The Earth

This course presents the scientific method and basic concepts in geology. Topics include materials, structures, and surface features of the earth, oceans, and the processes that have produced them.
Prerequisites: ENG 2, RDL 2 if required
Corequisite: MTH 5
Flexible Core – Scientific World
Required Core – Life and Physical Sciences

ESE 12         2 lec 1 rec 3 lab 4 cr
Earth Systems Science: The Atmosphere

An introduction to the processes and phenomena of our atmosphere. Topics include clouds, sky color, storms, climates, the Ice Ages, and the greenhouse effect. Students will also be introduced to the science of weather forecasting using the BCC weather station. Prerequisites: ENG 2, RDL 2 if required
Corequisite: MTH 5 Flexible Core – Scientific World
Required Core – Life and Physical Sciences

ESE 13         2 lec 1 rec 3 lab 4 cr
Earth Systems Science: The Ocean

This course presents the scientific method in oceanography and the basic concepts of ocean studies. Topics include the ocean in the earth system, properties of ocean water, ocean currents, the dynamic coast, and the ocean and climate change. In the laboratory, students are introduced to the dynamic ocean by working with current(Internet) and archived oceanographic data coordinated with learning investigations keyed to current ocean activities and products. The course examines the world’s oceans from an Earth system perspective.
Prerequisites: ENG 2, RDL 2 if required
Corequisite: MTH 5
Flexible Core – Scientific World

ESE 21        2 lec 1 rec 3 lab 4 cr
Earth Systems Science: The Environment

This course provides a look at the earth system as a whole. Emphasis will be on the interrelation among biological, geological, climatological, and human systems on continental and global scales. The links among these systems will be illustrated by present-day processes and by the geologic record of scaled events in Earth’s system history. The course will include computer-based exercises and will also rely on Internet resources. Projects, papers, and presentations will be required.
Prerequisites: Choice of two out of three courses from ESE 11, ESE 12, and ESE 13

Environmental Technology

ENV 11         2 lect1 rec 3 lab 4 cr
Introduction to Environmental Health

This course provides a basic understanding of widespread health problems that are linked to environmental and occupational health hazards. Students become familiar with the identity and sources of air and water pollutants, the routes of entry of these pollutants into the body, and the harmful effects of these pollutants. Laboratory exercises familiarize students with methods of air, soil, and water analysis. Field trips provide first-hand knowledge of public health, occupational health, and safety issues.
Prerequisites: RDL 2, ENG 2, ESL 3 if required Flexible Core – Scientific World
Required Core – Life and Physical Sciences

ENV 12        2 lect1 rec 3 lab 4 cr
Environmental and Occupational Regulations

Overview of the judicial system, regulatory agencies, and the federal register system. Definition of key terms and concepts in environmental law. Delineation of major environmental laws relating to water, wastewater, air, hazardous/solid waste, environmental impacts, and the workplace. The laboratory section of the course will focus on hazardous materials training according to 29 CFR 1910.120. Students qualify to receive a 40-hour HAZMAT Certificate at the completion of the laboratory portion of the course.
Prerequisite: ENV 11

ENV 21       1 lect 8 field study 3 cr
Field Study in the Environment

The course teaches students how to become field technicians which enables them to conduct site evaluations, on-site sampling, and site remediation in compliance with EPA regulations. Students are also trained in health and safety procedures for hazardous waste operations.
Prerequisites: ENV 11, ENV 12

ENV 22        2 lect 4 lab 4 cr
Environmental Methods of Analysis

This course includes lecture demonstrations and hands-on laboratory experiments with the equipment and instruments commonly used for air, soil, and water analysis to determine levels of pollution.
Prerequisites: CHM 18, ENV 11

ENV 23         3 lect 3 cr
Environmental and Occupational Toxicology

Introduction to principles of toxicology with emphasis on environmental and occupational health. Provides the necessary background to understand the health effects of toxic waste and environmental pollutants.
Prerequisites: BIO 12, CHM 18 or CHM 22, ENV 11

ENV 24        3 lect12 internship 3 cr
Environmental Internship

Weekly seminars that integrate the fieldwork experience of students doing a supervised internship at various public and private environmental agencies, industrial companies, and water treatment/waste management plants.
Prerequisites: ENV 11, ENV 12 and permission from the Environmental Technology Program Administration

ENV 31 2 lect1 rec 3 lab 4 cr
Water Chemistry and Pollution

This course introduces students to the application of the principles of inorganic, physical, and dilute solution equilibrium chemistry to aquatic systems, both in the aquatic environment and in water and wastewater treatment. Prerequisite: CHM 18 or CHM 22

ENV 32          2 lect1 rec 3 lab 4 cr

Atmospheric Chemistry and Pollution This course presents a concise, clear review of the fundamental aspects of atmospheric chemistry. It reviews our basic understanding of the chemistry of the earth’s atmosphere and discusses current environmental issues, including air pollution, acid rain, the ozone hole, and global climate change.
Prerequisite: CHM 18 or CHM 22

Geospatial Technology

GIS 11             3 lect 3cr
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

A geographic information systems (GIS) helps in mapping and understanding the relationship between different types of data. Students will learn basic concepts in GIS and be able to read and gather information from maps. Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to appreciate their surroundings and the environment in which they live.
Prerequisite: MTH 5 or equivalent and ENG 2 and RDL 2
Flexible Core – Scientific World

GIS 12            3 lect 3cr
Introduction to Remote Sensing

Remote sensing is a way of observing a feature without coming in direct contact with it. The course will provide an introduction to basic concepts in remote sensing. Students will use different types of satellite images to visualize features such as trees, streets, mountains, valleys, rivers, and urban areas on the earth. They will be able to study the changes on the earth’s surface over a period of time and relate it to the natural and human environment. Upon completion of the course, students will learn to use remotely sensed data for a better understanding of the environment.
Prerequisite: MTH 5 or equivalent and ENG 2 and RDL 2
Flexible Core – Scientific World

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Technology

PMT 41         2 lect 2 lab 3cr
Pharmaceutical Chemistry

This course emphasizes the chemical principles and reactions vital to drug design and drug action. The course is aimed at undergraduates who have a basic grounding in chemistry and are interested in learning about drug design and the molecular mechanisms by which drugs act in the body. It examines the general principles and strategies involved in discovering and designing new drugs and developing them for the marketplace and it looks at particular ‘tools of the trade’ which are used in rational drug design. Clinically important drugs will be used as examples.
Prerequisite: CHM 31 or CHM 18

PMT 42         3 lect 3cr
Pharmaceutical Product Manufacturing

This course discusses the science and technology that applies to pharmaceutical manufacturing. Students will study different pharmaceutical formulations and their methods of preparation for solid, liquid, and other pharmaceutical products. Specific classes of pharmaceuticals will be discussed. Special topics will include packaging and marketing regulations.
Prerequisite: CHM 31

PMT 43        2 lect 2cr
Pharmaceutical Laws and Regulations

This course discusses the pharmaceutical laws and regulations that govern the manufacturing, packaging, and marketing of pharmaceutical products. Students will discuss specific examples that impacted the development of the laws and regulations. Prerequisite: ENG 110 or ENG 111


SCI 12         3 hr 3cr
Science Exploration – From the Stars to the Cells

SCI 12 is an inquiry-based science content course. Topics include astronomy, earth science, and advances in technology and material sciences: the stars, cosmology, the earth and other planets, plate tectonics, cycles of the earth and ecosystems and the environment; and the fundamental concepts of the living cell and the molecules of life; and superconducting materials and nanotechnology. The course includes hands-on activities and computer simulations.
Prerequisites: MTH 5, ENG 2, RDL 2 (if required)

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