What is the purpose of the CUNY proficiency requirements?

CUNY requires that students demonstrate a minimum level of proficiency in reading, writing and mathematics before having the opportunity to enroll in college-level courses.

What tests do I need to take before I can register for classes?

Reading, writing and mathematics. You may be exempt from taking exams based on transfer credits or Regents or SAT exams. Detailed CUNY proficiency requirements can be found at http://www2.cuny.edu/academics/testing/

What are the CUNY Assessment Tests?

Mathematics – The CAT in Mathematics is an untimed, multiple-choice, computer-based test composed of elementary algebra and, if necessary, college-level math.

Where and when do I take the tests?

You will receive an invitation to sit for the exam.

Do I need to prepare for the tests?

Yes, you should prepare. Preparing for the tests will give you more accurate course placements.

How do I prepare for the test from home?

You can view practice exercises online in all three skill areas using links below. Additional resources can be found at http://www2.cuny.edu/academics/testing

Can I receive in-person help preparing for the exams at the BCC?

Yes, in-person test preparation is available for incoming students year-round. Please contact 718-289-5760 for more information.

I need accommodations to take the placement test, what should I do?

If you are a student with a disability and need accommodations to take the placement test, please call the Disability Office or visit them prior to the test date at Loew Hall, Room 211, 718-289-5874. Please note that you will NOT receive accommodations at the testing center unless you have first registered with the Office of Disability Services.

I am often nervous about taking tests. How can I reduce test anxiety?
  • Remember, you are not alone. Everyone experiences anxiety to some degree.
  • Prepare, prepare, prepare. Use the resources identified above.
  • Arrive early and rested to the testing site. Perhaps locate the testing site the day before so you know exactly where to go.
  • Locate and use the restroom before the exam.
  • Bring a blank piece of note paper and a pen with you. Before the exam begins, write a few comments/sentences about how you’re feeling about taking the exam. This is just for you; write whatever you wish about how you’re feeling at that moment. Put the paper away.
  • Take a deep breath. Breathe in very slowly (through your nose only) for five seconds, then breathe out very slowly (through your mouth only) for five seconds. Do this a few times.
  • Pace yourself. Read for a few moments before you start answering questions.
  • Ignore others taking the test.
  • Stay focused.
  • Take a short break. Close your eyes for one minute. Picture a favorite scene (flowers, beach, food). Breathe deeply.
  • For more insights on test anxiety, go to the Learning Center, Sage Hall [SA], Room 100, for films on the subject. The  Learning Center can be reached at 718-289-5429.
What score is passing or proficient score at Bronx Community College?
  • Detailed CUNY proficiency requirements can be found at <a href=”http://www2.cuny.edu/academics/testing/”>http://www2.cuny.edu/academics/testing/</a>
How are tests scored?

Reading and Math exams are multiple choice and are scored by a computer. The writing test is a written test that is read and scored by two readers.

How do I obtain my test results?

Results for exams are made available to students at the time of registration.

How are the tests results used for course placement?

For reading and writing, passing results allow students to enroll in credit courses that will count toward your degree.

Non-passing scores on one or more tests require students to take non-credit remedial courses and will not count toward your degree. All remedial classes start with a “zero” such as ENG “02” or MTH “05”

Your advisor will help you register for the correct classes.

Do I need to pass the CUNY exams in order to graduate?

Only a passing score on the CUNY Assessment Test in Writing (CATW) is required for graduation. The reading and math exams are used for placement purposes only.

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