2024 Graduation Awards Ceremony Information

The Graduation Awards Ceremony is an event for graduating Bronx Community College students honoring two aspects of the College Experience: Academic Achievement and Service.

GAC awards are departmental and curricular awards determined by the college community and the academic departments.

Each GAC awardee will receive a formal invitation to the luncheon and are permitted one guest.  Attendees must RSVP for the celebration.

Date, Time and Location:

Wednesday, May 29, 2024, from 12:00 pm to 2 pm at Colston Lower level.

Contact Us

Bronx Community College
2155 University Avenue
Bronx, New York 10453

Email: GAC@bcc.cuny.edu


Play the video to see the faces of this year’s awardees.

2024 GAC Award Categories:

College Awards

Presidential Academic Excellence Award – Valedictorian

Presidential Academic Excellence Award – Salutatorian

Dr. James A. Colston Memorial Award

Harry Lesser Memorial Award

Virgil H. Logan Memorial Award

Mel Winter Memorial Award

Rosario D. Santa Rita Memorial Scholarship

Association of Latino Faculty & Staff Awards

Unity & Strength Student Leadership Awards

Departmental and Curricular Awards

Art and Music

  • Art Award for Excellence in Art
  • Florence Meister Memorial Award
  • George & Linda Tudor Award
  • Kling Memorial Award
  • Music Award
  • Ruth & Harvey L. Bass Memorial Award

Biological Sciences

  • Biology Faculty Memorial Award
  • Bernie Bates Memorial Scholarship for Excellence in Microbiology
  • Israel Gottesman Memorial Scholarship for Competence in Medical Laboratory Technician Program
  • The Animal Care and Management Commendation Award
  • The Biology Commendation Award
  • The Medical Laboratory Technician Commendation Award
  • The Ornamental Horticulture Commendation Award

Business & Information Systems

  • “In Memory of Kalief Browder” Award
  • Accounting Award
  • Benjamin Cutler Memorial Award
  • Business Administration Award
  • Computer Information Systems Award
  • Edith White Rosenfeld Memorial Award
  • Marilyn Flood Memorial Scholarship
  • Marketing Award
  • Martin May Memorial Scholarship
  • New York State Society of CPAs Award
  • Office Administration & Technology Award
  • Paralegal Studies – Peter Morganti Award
  • Robert Kissell Memorial Award
  • Stella H. Kubis Memorial Award
  • Subsathiya Memorial Award in Accounting

Chemistry, Earth Sciences & Environmental Sciences

  • Chemistry Award
  • Herman & Corinne Stein Memorial Chemistry Award
  • Thomas F. Brennan Memorial Award
  • The Vicki Flaris Memorial STEM Award

Communication Arts and Sciences

  • Communications Award
  • Media Studies Option Award
  • Media and Digital Film Production AS (MEDP) Award
  • Performing Arts Option

Education and Academic Literacy

  • The Future Educators Award (AAS)
  • The Future Educators Award (AA)

Engineering, Physics and Technology

  • Automotive Technology Award
  • Carl Polowczyk Memorial Award
  • Electronic Technology Award
  • Engineering Award
  • Lewis Carlin Memorial Award
  • Morris Meister Award
  • Nuclear Medicine Award
  • Union Carbide Mechanical Award
  • Yonny Segel Memorial Award


  • Eleanor Corrigan-Gosselin Memorial Award
  • English Award
  • Marsha Cummins Scholarship
  • Booker Quattlebaum Scholarship

Health, Physical Education and Recreation

  • Dietetics and Nutrition Award
  • Exercise Science Award
  • Public Health Award
  • Therapeutic Recreation Award


  • Elias Cooper Award for History
  • Mark D. Hirsch History Award for Excellence in History

Mathematics and Computer Science

  • Computer Science Award
  • Gerald S. Lieblich Memorial Award
  • Norman Schaumberger Memorial Scholarship
  • Irving Handel Memorial Award
  • Michael E. Bennet Memorial Award

Nursing & Allied Health Sciences

  • Allstate Scholarship for Excellence in Nursing-1st Highest index
  • Allstate Scholarship for Excellence in Nursing-2nd Highest index
  • Beatrice Perlmutter Memorial Award (Nursing Program
  • Gertrude L. Dourdounas Certificate of Achievement Award (Nursing Program)
  • Maxine Church Memorial Award (Nursing Program
  • Radiologic Technology Faculty Award for Academic & Clinical Achievement at the Jacobi Medical Center
  • Radiologic Technology Faculty Award for Academic & Clinical Achievement at the Montefiore Medical Center-Main Division
  • Radiologic Technology Faculty Award for Academic & Clinical Achievement at the New York Presbyterian Hospital

Social Sciences

  • David M. Gordon Memorial Award in Economics
  • Excellence in Economics
  • Human Services Award
  • Psychology Award
  • William Wahlin Memorial Award

World Languages and Cultures

  • Arabic Award
  • Gloria Hobbs World Language Scholarship
  • Italian Award
  • Japanese Award
  • Portuguese Award
  • Spanish Award

Congratulations Graduates!

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