English Program

English AA Course Requirements


60 Credits required for AA Degree
Curriculum Coordinator: Dr. Joseph Donica

Required Core

A. English Composition1 (6 Credits)
B. Mathematical and Quantitative Reasoning (3 Credits)
C. Life and Physical Sciences (3-4 Credits)


Flexible Core2

A. World Cultures and Global Issues (3 Credits)
B. U.S. Experience in Its Diversity (3 Credits)
C. Creative Expression (3 Credits)
D. Individual and Society (3 Credits)
E. Scientific World (3 Credits)
Restricted Elective: Select one additional course from Area A-E (3 Credits)

SUBTOTAL: 18 Credits

Major Requirements

NOTE: Students will complete a minimum of three credits of these requirements within the Flexible Core. Transfer students who have completed Common Core requirements at a previous institution will not be required to complete credits in excess of the 60 credit requirement.

  • ART 11 Introduction to Art OR ART 12 Introduction to Art History: Africa, the Americas, Asia and the Middle East OR MUS 11 Introduction to Music OR MUS 12 Introduction to Music: A Multi-Cultural Survey of World Music (0-3 Credits)
  • COMM 11 Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication (0-3 Credits)
  • HISTORY: Select one course from history (0-3 Credits)
  • MODERN LANGUAGES: Select TWO from the same language at the appropriate level (0-6 Credits)
  • SOCIAL SCIENCE: Select ONE from ANT, CRJ, ECO, POL, PSY, SOC (0-3 Credits)

Additional Major Requirements

  • Free Electives (0-13 Credits)
  • LAB3 Science Laboratory (0-1 Credit)
  • PEA Physical Education OR HLT 91 Critical Issues in Health (1-2 Credits)

English Requirements

  • ENG 155 Introduction to Literary Studies (3 Credits)
  • ENG4 Choose any THREE from the following courses: (0-9)
    • ENG 121 Introduction to Creative Writing
    • ENG 124 Great Writers of English Literature I
    • ENG 125 Great Writers of English Literature II
    • ENG 133 Modern American Short Story
    • ENG 140 Folklore
    • ENG 141 History of the English Language
    • ENG 147 Latino Literature
    • ENG 148 Afro-Caribbean Literature
    • ENG 150 U.S. Literature and Thought I
    • ENG 151 U.S. Literature and Thought II
    • ENG 153 The Black Writer in American Literature
    • ENG 154 Black Poetry
    • ENG 156 Children’s Literature
    • ENG 157 Introduction to Women’s Literature
    • ENG 161 Shakespeare
    • ENG 172 The Bible as Literature

SUBTOTAL: 29-30 Credits



  1. English majors will be advised to take ENG 113, Writing About Literature, as their second composition course. However, the following courses will be accepted as fulfilling this requirement as well: ENG 112 Composition and Rhetoric II; ENG 114 Written Composition and Prose Fiction; ENG 115 Written Composition and Drama; or ENG 116 Written Composition and Poetry.
  2. Students planning to transfer to John Jay College are advised to take one of their ENG electives in the flexible core.

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