PLEASE NOTE: Effective Fall 2022, the AAS Horticulture program is not admitting new students in preparation for a curricular redesign.

Program Description

Horticulturists are skilled in the cultivation of plants and the care of gardens. They may work in public parks and gardens; they may design, install and maintain the interior landscapes in public buildings and corporate headquarters; or they may work as florists, arranging plants and flowers for special occasions.

Recognizing the need for trained horticulturists, Bronx Community College and The New York Botanical Garden (NYBG) have established a joint program in Horticulture. Students study liberal arts and sciences at the BCC campus. At the NYBG students study both academic courses and field experience in aspects of horticulture.

Graduates earn an AAS degree Horticulture from BCC.

NYBG courses are open only to Horticulture (AAS) students and must be approved by both the Program Director at BCC and the Director of Education at NYBG. Additionally, substitution of Horticulture courses must have the written approval of the BCC Program Director.

The Horticulture program fully articulates with SUNY Empire State College. A copy of the articulation agreement is available online at the BCC Transfer Planning website.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the Horticulture program requirements, students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate the basic principles of plant growth and apply basic horticultural knowledge and the principles of soil science as they relate to plant growth and plant nutrition.
  2. Compare and contrast basic theories, concepts and terminology of plant science in order to apply sustainable horticulture practices and techniques.
  3. Demonstrate critical thinking skills when applying basic horticultural knowledge to specific field of study in ornamental horticulture such as gardening, landscaping and greenhouse management.
  4. Demonstrate an understanding of business principles as they apply to working in the horticulture industry such as gardening stores, landscaping and greenhouse businesses and institutions.
  5. Demonstrate the safe and efficient use of garden, greenhouse, and landscape tools, equipment and materials.

Click here to learn more.

Curriculum Coordinator: Dr. Adijat Adebola

Program Details

Degree Map

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