Tutoring & Study Labs


Biology, A&P, and Micro

Meister Hall 418

Tutoring is available generally starting around the 2nd week of classes each semester. Once the tutor schedule has been established, hours for the study lab are posted throughout the 4th floor of Meister Hall.

Find SPRING 2025  In person and Online Tutoring hours in this document: spring-2025-biology-tutoring-flyer

Medical Laboratory Technician

Meister Hall 516

The MLT Tutoring/Study lab creates an environment where students can engage in individual, peer and group study or lab practice. Courses of focus include: General Biology I and II, Microbiology I and II, and all MLT courses from Bio 81 (Introduction to Medical Laboratory Technology) to Bio 86 (Immunohematology). Tutoring hours are posted each semester throughout the 5th floor of Meister Hall.

Find SPRING 2025  In person and Online Tutoring hours in this document: spring-2025-flyer-mlt

Find out more about tutoring in Biology and other areas at the Bronx Community College Learning Commons Page.

24/7 Online Tutoring

BIO 11 | BIO 12 | BIO 23 | BIO 24 | BIO 28

The expert tutors at Tutor.com can help you work through a tough homework problem, improve your writing skills, study for a test, review a difficult concept, and so much more!

1. Log into Brightspace and go to any of your courses

2. In the course menu (Green NavBar on top), click on Tutor.com and you should be connected automatically to Tutor.com.

If you are not connected automatically, please contact the Learning Commons (929-314-3731; LearningCommons@bcc.cuny.edu;  Monday-Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m)

General Biology Resources

BIO 11 | BIO 12

This link will guide you to a website devoted to BIO11/12 students. You will find many helpful resources for studying Biology.

General Biology 1 Course Materials and Study Guides

General Biology 2 Course Materials and Study Guides

Anatomy & Physiology Resources

BIO 23 | BIO 24

A&P @ BCC Online Companion

  • The online companion to the two-semester course sequence on Human Anatomy and Physiology offers: course information and policies, student and instructor responsibilities, BIO 23 and BIO 24 Course Guide and Lab Manuals, link to free A&P textbooks, an updated calendar, instructors contact information, A&P practice exercises, a video library to lab models, an extensive list of tutorials and animations to complement the lectures, and a long list of frequently asked questions: https://bcc-cuny.digication.com/bio2324atbcc/Home//

BIO 23 & BIO 24 Course Guides and Lab Manuals can be found following this link.

Other A&P Learning Resources

Medical Lab Technician Resources

Check out the Medical Laboratory Technician Program Website

Students graduating from the MLT are eligible to sit for the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) certification examination.* Passing this exam earns graduates the NYS CLT(Technician) License. This license is needed for employment in any NYS clinical Laboratory.

Find Frequently Asked Questions about the Medical Laboratory Technician Program in this link

Find the MLT Student Handbook following this link: mlt-handbook-updated-12-2022

Scholarships & Internships Opportunities


CUNY Research Scholarship Program

About Us: The CRSP program goal is to increase the participation of CUNY community college students in faculty-mentored research in science and technology. CRSP participants must be full-time students majoring in a STEM, Social Sciences and Behavioral Science fields. CRSP is a rigorous program that provides $4000 for a 1-year commitment to mentored research through one academic year and summer. CRSP students are required to give oral presentations, poster presentations, attend career development seminars and produce a publication-quality research poster.

Website: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=s_BgbwZfCU6XFZiduozH2Pr0N50mKlxIqJL52GHrAWdUNDNQVENUMVJPVjNQQUhJNDUwS0I4UFVMVS4u


Website: https://www.bcc.cuny.edu/academics/cuny-research-scholars-program/


Collegiate Science Technology Entry Program (CSTEP)

About Us: The aim of the Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP) is to increase the number of students from under-represented groups who are pursuing professional licensure and careers in mathematics, science, technology, and health-related fields. CSTEP provides academic enrichment and research experience in STEM-related  fields.

Website: https://www.bcc.cuny.edu/academics/collegiate-science-and-technology-entry-program-cstep/


Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation NYC LSAMP Alliance

About Us: The Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) is a program created by the National Science Foundation (NSF) which aims to diversify the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) by fostering the success of historically and currently underrepresented Native American, African American, Hispanic/Latino and Pacific Islander students in those fields. LSAMP is focused on increasing student interest in STEM degrees, guiding students through completion of their baccalaureates and facilitating their transition to advanced post-graduate studies or the STEM workforce.

To fulfill that mission, the NYC LSAMP Alliance has crafted a program centered on student participation in undergraduate research. NYC LSAMP Fellows are matched with faculty mentors to begin conducting research in their second year, for which they receive a stipend ($3,000/year). Students receive additional guidance from NYC LSAMP Faculty Coordinators through biweekly meetings and/or STEM-related professional development workshops on topics such as presentation skills, designing poster presentations, searching and completing REU/internship applications, etc. Most importantly, NYC LSAMP Fellows belong to a thriving and engaged community which is not confined to their home-campus – they have LSAMP peers throughout CUNY and numerous campuses nationwide. Fellows will have the opportunity to present their work at regional and national conferences, including the yearly Emerging Researchers National Conference in STEM.

Website: https://www.bcc.cuny.edu/academics/louis-stokes-alliance-for-minority-participation-nyc-lsamp-alliance/


NSF-S-STEM Scholarship

About Us:  National Science Foundation STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) scholarships are offered at both Bronx Community College and Lehman College and are designed to help students successfully complete a STEM major in college … ultimately leading to a career in one of these fields. Students not only receive a solid education, they can take advantage of a wide range of academic and financial benefits.

As advances in technology continue to reshape today’s workforce, STEM professionals are consistently in demand. It is estimated that jobs in fields relating to STEM will increase up to 62% by the year 2020, offering average starting salaries of $85,500 — nearly double the salaries compared to non-STEM jobs, whose average salaries are estimated to start around $47,200.


Website: https://www.bcc.cuny.edu/academics/stem/

For more information, contact: nsfstem@bcc.cuny.edu or Professor Adijat Adebola at Adijat.Adebola@bcc.cuny.edu.



2024 Diversity Summer Research Training Program (DSRTP)

About DSRTP: The DSRTP Program provides an independent summer research experience at NIH laboratories to undergraduate students from groups under-represented in biomedical science or disadvantaged backgrounds who are interested in research careers.

Research performed by the laboratories and branches of the NIDDK covers an extraordinarily diverse area but is unified by a commitment to excellence in both basic and clinical investigation. The basic science laboratories include outstanding groups in many facets of modern molecular biology, structural biology, including x-ray crystallography and NMR, cell biology, and pharmacology. Systems under study include viruses, prokaryotes and eukaryotes, including yeast and mammalian cells. Developmental biology is represented by studies ranging from those on cellular slime molds to those on mouse oocyte development. Several laboratories use the most up-to-date techniques in receptor pharmacology, natural products chemistry, and organic chemistry to study a wide variety of compounds, particularly neuroactive agents. Not only biochemical but also mathematical and physical chemical methods are applied to a variety of fundamental problems.

The clinical branches of NIDDK combine basic science and clinical investigation with patient care. Several branches study endocrine diseases and general aspects of signal transduction, including growth factor and hormone action. Molecular biologic and molecular genetic techniques have been used to elucidate specific gene mutations representing the underlying defect in a variety of diseases, including thyroid hormone resistance, certain forms of diabetes, and other disorders of signal transduction. Several NIDDK scientists have created transgenic and knockout mice models of human diseases.

Link to website: https://www.niddk.nih.gov/research-funding/research-programs/diversity-programs/research-training-opportunities-students/diversity-summer-research-training-program-dsrtp?dkrd=prspt0717&utm_medium=e-mail&utm_source=DSRTP%20Newsletter

DEADLINE: FEB 16, 2024


Biomedical Engineering & Informatics Summer Research Internships Program

About Us: The Biomedical Engineering Department and Center for Artificial Intelligence Research at Wake Forest University School of Medicine will offer several summer research opportunities in 2024 to undergraduate and master’s students. The program is funded by an NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) award: Imaging and Mechanics-based Projects on Accidental Cases of Trauma (IMPACT), an NIH R25 award: Culturally Augmented Learning in Biomedical Informatics Research (CALIBIR), and other sources. A broad array of biomedical engineering and informatics projects are offered. Students selected for this program will receive a stipend and on-campus housing. The research internship program will be offered between May 27 to August 2, 2024.

Link to Website: https://redcap.wakehealth.edu/redcap/surveys/?s=AJE7TDEJAA3LKHYJ

Deadline: January 26, 2024.


CUNY Summer Internships

About Us: CUNY Internship Programs partners with New York City agencies, boards, and commissions to provide CUNY students with internships in tech, engineering, public health, finance, business and other burgeoning sectors.  For nearly two decades, interns have been hired by their agencies through this program, some moving into leadership positions where they oversee current CUNY interns.

We also maintain our long-standing partnerships with NYC 311.  Interns work as call takers at this critically important call centers and some have become full-time staff in various departments.

CUNY Internship Programs partners on three exciting fellowship programs: HRA Fellowship; NYC Comptroller’s Fellowship; and Civil Service Pathways Fellowship program, where CUNY alum enter directly into the pipeline for full-time jobs within NYC agencies.

Students who are part of CUNY Internship Programs gain valuable experience working to help their fellow New Yorkers, as well as becoming part of the future of NYC’s workforce.

Website: https://www.cuny.edu/employment/student-jobs/internships/cuny-internship-programs/apply/

Deadline: Ongoing


Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program

About the REU: The UConn Physiology and Neurobiology Research Experiences for Undergrads (REU) is an NSF-funded program offering undergraduates a paid summer research internship. Participants will spend 10 weeks with UConn faculty and graduate students, engaging in graduate-level research projects on a host of different physiological systems. In addition to their scientific work, students will also participate in career and graduate school workshops as well as social events. The program culminates with a symposium where students will present a scientific poster covering their research.

Website: https://pnbreu.uconn.edu/

Application Open: December 15, 2023


Brooklyn College: Urban Ecology REU – 2024 Recruitment

About Us: The Brooklyn Urban Ecology and Environment Program (BUEE) is a NSF-sponsored Research Experiences for Undergraduates hosted at Brooklyn College of the City University of New York.  BUEE supports the training of ten students per year as part of an integrative summer research program aimed at developing underrepresented undergraduate students into mature and thoughtful environmental scientists. Authentic research experiences on human-coupled natural systems are complemented by a rigorous educational program aimed at developing practical experience in research integrity, scientific communication, and quantitative literacy. BUEE leverages the unique academic and research resources at Brooklyn College/CUNY, including a state-of-the-art Aquatic Research and Environmental Assessment Center and the recently-established Science and Resilience Institute at Jamaica Bay, focused on urban sustainability and resilience.

BUEE students are selected from a pool of national, regional, and local applicants, ensuring a wide variety of perspectives and experience among program participants.  Students are provided with a competitive stipend, housing and food allowances, and relocation credit for travel from outside the region. All participants also receive an unlimited metro pass, allowing travel throughout the NYC metro area.

Link to Website: https://buee.blog.brooklyn.edu/

Deadline: March 1, 2024

Contact Email: buee@brooklyn.cuny.edu


Summer Internship in Biological Science in Public Health – Harvard University

About Us: This intensive 8-week laboratory-based biological research program is for undergraduates during the summer following their sophomore or junior years. Up to 6 internships are awarded by a competitive process. The internship culminates with a Poster Session during the final week where the interns present data in regard to the project they have been working on during the summer.


Program Overview
The program goal is to expose college science students (who will be juniors or seniors in the fall of 2023) to the rewards of laboratory research directed toward solving important public health problems. The overall mission of our program is to recruit qualified students for graduate-level training leading to research careers in the biological sciences. Interns apply state-of-the art technology in their own research projects under the direction of a Harvard faculty member. Research projects focus on biological science questions that are important to the prevention of disease. Disease areas include infections (tuberculosis, malaria, Chagas disease), cancer, lung diseases, multifactorial, multigenic and common diseases of aging, diabetes, obesity, etc.  Scientific approaches include regulation of cell growth and gene regulation, cellular metabolism, DNA modification, cellular signaling, structure-function analyses, etc.

The 2024 Summer Intern Program runs from Monday, June 3 to Friday, July 26, 2024.

Link to website: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/biological-sciences/undergraduate-summer-internship-program/

Link to Apply: https://my.reviewr.com/s2/ms_signup?ret=%2Fsignupform%2FHarvardChan_SummerPrograms24&evtid=4439897

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