Welcome to the Biological Sciences Department!

Our highest goal is to provide students with the basis for a lifetime of intellectual appreciation and development. We aim to foster an environment where students can learn to examine the world scientifically and apply this knowledge to both the individual and society.

We offer two Associate in Science Degrees (Biology and Biotechnology), two Associate in Applied Science degrees (Medical Laboratory Technician and Horticulture), and one certificate program (Animal Care and Management). See below for information about our programs.

Class of 2024 Graduation Award Honorees

Alexander Vargas

Biology Faculty Memorial Award

Lara Navarrete Rosa

Medical Laboratory Technician Commendation Award

Haruka Umeuchi

Horticulture Commendation Award

Reidy Ramos Almengo

Biotechnology Commendation Award

Porshia Cook

Israel Gottesman Memorial Scholarship for competence in Medical Laboratory Technician Program

Angely Coyt

Biology Commendation Award

Leonid Arkhipkin

Bernie Bates Memorial Scholarship for Excellence in Microbiology

Amy Marinez

Animal Care and Management Commendation Award

These awards have become constant reminders for me to immerse myself in academic studies to evolve into the scientist that I dreaded as a child. They also serve as proof and motivation showing me that science is not a strange subject but an interesting one. I am glad that I returned to study science after pursuing my bachelor of mathematics. Thank you for all the support I received during my studies at BCC. Courage Agbanyo, 2023 Biology Faculty Memorial Awardee

Student Spotlight

Math and Science Logo

Muhammed Bajo, former bio student participated in the Bronx Community College 2020 Math and Science Fair, where he showcased his impressive genetic research project (Bronx Community College 2020 Math and Science Fair – Muhammad Bajo & Fernando Fernandez & Abigail Teye & Nathaniel Boadi Donkor (digication.com) mentored by Dr. Rujin Tian under CRSP.

Dr. Tian commented “Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, Muhammed continued his genetic research journey with me under the PTS3 program while pursuing his biology degree at Lehman College. His dedication and passion for genetics have been truly inspiring. After numerous discussions with me about his passion, he has decided to continue his path in genetics by becoming a genetic counselor.  I am thrilled to share with you that Muhammed has been admitted to the prestigious Human Genetics program for his master’s degree at Sarah Lawrence. What’s even more remarkable is that he has been awarded a full scholarship, which is exceptional for a master’s program as they typically do not offer scholarships.”

Explore Your Major Info Session Recording

Animal Care & Management (Certificate Program)
Provides access to a career path in the veterinary care of domesticated animals. Students learn techniques for working in a veterinary clinic, including how to properly use and care for the instruments in a laboratory, particularly sterilization techniques, and how to analyze blood and urine samples. This curriculum also provides a foundation for those who would like to continue their education for an A.S. or B.S. as a veterinary technician or a D.V.M. as a veterinarian.

Horticulture (A.A.S.)
Is the art or practice of garden cultivation and management. Bronx Community College and The New York Botanical Garden (NYBG) have established a joint program in Ornamental Horticulture. Students study liberal arts and sciences at the BCC campus for the first year. They spend the second year at the NYBG for both academic courses and field experience in horticulture.

Liberal Arts: Biology (A.S)
Students in the Liberal Arts A.S. Biology program transfer to four-year science programs, teacher education programs, pharmacy schools, engineering programs, or physician assistant or physical therapy programs. Enrichment programs are offered to encourage students to continue their education beyond the bachelor degree by attending graduate or other professional schools.

Medical Laboratory Technician (A.A.S)
Is accredited by the National Accreditation Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS) and approved by New York State Office of Professions. This major is a career program in which the student earns the A.A.S. degree. In addition to taking general core courses, certain liberal arts and science requirements, and specialized courses in medical laboratory technology, the student has a requirement to train in a state of the art hospital laboratory. Upon completion, students qualify to sit for the MLT (ASCP)/NYS MLT license exam (this technician license is required for employment in NYS diagnostic laboratories).

Biotechnology (A.S)
Biotechnology can be broadly defined as the use of living organisms in the design of useful products as well as the exploration of the genetic and biomedical basis of how living organisms function. Some of the fields in which biotechnology plays an important role are: Forensic Science; medical research involving genetic diseases, cancer, screening and treatment and embryological development; design of novel drugs aimed at specific biological targets; crop design and genetically modified organisms; production of relevant biologicals such as insulin for treatment of disease; and basic research in areas like, genetics, biochemistry, evolution, etc.

Learn more about our degrees and certificate in the programs and courses page!

Find us here:

Meister Hall, 4th Floor, Room 415

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