Tutoring Program
Tutoring is available for all of our History, Geography, and Philosophy classes. Our tutors Sabrina Torres, Sarah Rivera, and Prof Jason Sanchez offer in person and online appointments and are ready to work with you!
Prof. Jason Sanchez is a faculty member in the History department and works with students enrolled in the College Discovery Program.
Faculty Co-Ordinator:
Dr. Mara Lazda
Tutoring In Person
Writing Center
Sage Hall, Rm 100
Online (go via Portal)
For schedule, book appointment:
Tutoring Portal
To work with either Sabrina or Sarah, check their availability via the Writing Center’s Tutor Portal. Choose “History In Person” or “History Online” (note this is different from Writing Tutor).
Remember, the tutors’ job is to help you find the answers, not to answer the questions for you.
Register for Classes
In Spring 2025 we are offering classes in Modern World History, U.S. History, Medieval History, a History of Latinos in the U.S., African American History, Geography, and Philosophy. Get advised and one step closer to graduation!