Get Psych’D
Do you have a passion for counseling, social work, mental health, psychology or human services? Would you like to receive hands-on experience, career-specific knowledge and a resume-building opportunity? Well, get PSyCh’D! The Peer Support and Career Development Program (PSyCh’D) might be just right for you. PSyCh’D will train you on mental health issues and prepare you to provide outreach to students in need.
To apply, you must have a minimum GPA of 2.5, give two references (at least one faculty member and one employer), provide a written statement of interest and attend a personal interview. To apply and for more information, please visit the Office of Psychological Services, Loew Hall [LO], Room 216, or call 718-289-5100, ext. 3222 or 3354.
Advocating for Justice
Good Call is a project started within the Blue Ridge Labs fellowship, a five-month program where teams build digital products aimed at addressing key issues faced by low income New Yorkers, with an approach focused on human centered design, testing and outreach work. The co-founders built Good Call after months of research and discussions with people in New York communities and legal experts in the criminal justice space. The co-founders heard countless stories from people who were arrested for trivial reasons, and how uncomfortable, painful, confusing and damaging this experience can be. The co-founders decided to try to do what we could to help address this issue. The co-founders are excited that the hotline is now serving the Bronx (1-833-3-GoodCall), with plans to expand to the rest of New York City. For more information about the services provided, please visit the Good Call website:
Good Call is collaborating with Bronx Community College Criminal Justice Program to spread the word to students and the community.