POL 11 3 rec 3 cr
American National Government
Survey of structure and activities of the national government: bases of the present political system, pressure groups, political parties, elections, Congress, the President, the Supreme Court, and the protection and deprivation of individual rights.
Corequisite(s): ENG 02 or RDL 02 if required.
Flexible Core: US Experience in its Diversity
Course Flyer: POL 11 American Government.pdf
POL 31 3 rec 3 cr
Comparative Government
The purpose of this course is to get students interested in, and knowledgeable about, the politics of other nations. To accomplish this, we will examine various nations, with particular attention to nations within Western Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. The comparative method will be discussed as well as case studies of specific nations. This will be accomplished by comparing the historical experiences, political institutions and public policies of countries. We will also explore issues related to globalization.
Prerequisite(s): POL 11 or permission of the department.
Flexible Core: World Cultures & Global Issues
Course Flyer: POL 31 Comparative Politics.pdf
POL 41 3 rec 3 cr
Civil Rights in America
Since 1954 An analysis of the US Government and the civil rights movements since 1954. Topics include Jim Crow, desegregation, Brown V. Board of Education, Voting/Civil Rights Acts, Martin Luther King, SNCC, SCLC, Malcolm X, Black Panther Party, National Organization of Women, Cesar Chavez, Puerto Rican and Chicano movements.
Prerequisite(s): POL 11 or permission of the department.
Course Flyer: POL 41 Civil Rights in America Since 1954.pdf
POL 50 3 rec 3 cr
Political Economy
This course is an introduction to political economy: the relationship between capitalism and the state. The course explores the political theory of capitalism, including the relationship between capitalism and freedom, equality, and democracy; the interrelationship between the state and capitalism, including how political actors and institutions affect economic outcomes and how economic actors and conditions influence political outcomes; the role of the state in the development of American political economy; and the role of states in the development and expansion of global capitalism.
Corequisite: ENG 110, if required
Flexible Core – Individual and Society
Course Flyer: POL 50 Political Economy.pdf
POL 50 3 rec 3 cr
Urban Politics
Politics and government of the American city: municipal political institutions, suburban and metropolitan government, relations with the state and federal governments, racial and ethnic politics, planning, crime and the police, public education.
Prerequisite(s): POL 11 or SOC 11 or permission of department.
Flexible Core: Individual and Society
POL 61 3 rec 3 cr
Solving Social Problems Through the Political Process
This is a practical course showing how to work through existing channels for a more civically meaningful life. Focus on formal and informal responsibilities of officials in all levels of government. How to use political channels to address public issues and solve social problems.
Prerequisite(s): POL 11, or SOC 11, or permission of the department.
POL 69 3 rec 3 cr
Introduction to Politics
This course is designed to introduce students to the basic concepts, ideas, and theories in the discipline of political science. Students will explore concepts such as political power, freedom, equality, the relationship of the individual to the political community, the “good” political community, democracy, and ideology. Students will study ideology and evaluate contemporary politics through different ideological perspectives.
Prerequisite: CUNY English Proficiency; or ENG 100 or 110, if required
Flexible Core – Individual and Society
Course Flyer: POL 69 Introduction to Politics.pdf
POL 71 3 rec 3 cr
Politics of Developing Areas
This course is an introduction to the politics and government of developing areas of the world. Study of modernization and political development, influences of internal and external forces on political evolution, social bases of political life, national political institutions and processes, political thought and ideology, regional and international institutions and politics, and foreign policy problems, institutions and politics, and foreign policy problems.
Prerequisite(s): POL 11, or HIS 10/11, or SOC 11.
Flexible Core: World Cultures and Global Issues
POL 72 3 rec 3 cr
International Politics
This course is an introduction to the field of international politics. It explores the foundations of modern international politics, the relationship between domestic and international politics, the various means for the pursuit of foreign policy goals by states, role of non-governmental organizations on the international scene, and some approaches to problems of war and peace, institutions and politics, and foreign policy problems.institutions and politics, and foreign policy problems.
Prerequisite(s): POL 11, or HIS 10/11, or SOC 11 or permission of the department.
Flexible Core: World Cultures and Global Issues
Course Flyer: POL 72 International Politics.pdf
POL 81 3 rec 3 cr
Independent Study and Internships in Government
Permission of instructor required.
Course Flyer: POL 81 Independent Study and Internships in Government.pdf