Book Advance (7)
In order to be eligible for a book advance, all financial aid requirements must be completed and your financial aid must exceed your semester charges.
A Financial Aid Book Advance can be up to a maximum of $682.00 and is granted to all students with completed financial aid, and that have a credit balance pending with the College 10 days before each semester begins.
E-mail notification or a letter will be sent to the student’s BCC email account from the Financial Aid Office. It will include the specific date that the funds will be made available.
On the student account a charge will show as “Financial Aid.” This amount is an early advance from your financial aid refund. The remainder of your refund will be processed after semester begins providing all financial aid requirements have been satisfied. If additional charges are added to the student account or financial aid decreases, a balance could be owed back to BCC for the advance and the additional charges.
If you register for classes but do not begin attendance, your financial aid will be cancelled. If you receive a payment of financial aid funds and/or a book advance for classes you have never attended, you must return that payment immediately to the college, failure to do so may result in you owing the college, your account being sent out to collection.
At this time there is no option to elect out of the book advance program. If a student meets the criteria listed above, then a book advance will be processed and posted to the student’s account.
Federal grant recipients who have completed all financial aid requirements, and who have financial aid in excess of the charges that appear on their student account, will be eligible to receive a book advance. The book advance will come in the form of a paper check or a direct deposit by the seven days before the start of the semester. These funds can be used to purchase books and supplies at a bookseller of their choice.