Student Evaluation of Instruction (SEI) 


[Please note: a separate survey login is required for each course survey]

Forgot your Bronco ID Password?

or contact:

  • Hours of Operation:   Monday – Friday: 8 am – 7 pm
    Saturday: 9am – 1pm
    Location:  RBSC 308
    Phone: 718-289-5970

The SEI is administered using Snap Surveys

The Student Evaluation of Instruction (SEI) is an electronic survey distributed to BCC students every Fall and Spring semester toward the conclusion of their classes. The evaluation process is managed by the Office of Institutional Effectiveness.  For a pdf of the survey, click HERE.  Please read below for additional details.

Student Information

Why does SEI feedback matter?

  • Instructors use it to improve courses and teaching.
  • Departments use it for the annual review of instruction.
  • Departments use it to make decisions about the curriculum.
  • Colleges use it to make decisions about promotion and tenure.


  • Users log in to ensure access to the SEIs of courses they are registered for but individual student information is NOT associated with reported results.
  • Instructors can see weekly response rates by class number during the evaluation period, but never see who has or has not completed an evaluation.
  • Instructors do not see reports until after finals grades are posted. The reports include overall totals for each question. Comments are included as written.

How do I complete the SEI?

  • Students are required to login using Bronco ID credentials for each individual course survey based on class number.
    • Via Snap portal login
    • An email invitation with login link is sent to student CUNYfirst preferred email address on a weekly basis.
    • Login is full BCC email address (all lowercase).
    • Password is Bronco ID password.
  • Written comments that are specific and constructive are the most helpful to instructors. Use examples and describe how the teaching has impacted your experience in the class.

Faculty Information

Who receives an evaluation?

  • Students in lecture, recitation, and lab/clinical sections are surveyed during the Fall and Spring semesters.

How do I access reports?

  • Survey results will be made available online following the grade submissions college-wide. A link will be emailed to faculty when reports become available. Please see the Instructions to access reports.

Who do I contact for more information?

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