Online Education Program
The Department of Education and Academic Literacy offers two degree paths for students choosing a career in the field of education: the AS in Education and the AA in Liberal Arts and Sciences (AA LAS) with options in Education. The AS in Education requires more education courses than does the AA LAS degree, as well as offering internship experiences in New York City Public Schools. Both degrees allow students to transfer to a senior college, upon graduation, to pursue a bachelor’s degree and teacher certification. Students interested in teaching in high school (as opposed to childhood and early childhood) are advised to enroll in the AA LAS with an option in Adolescent Education. The AS in Education can also prepare students for paraprofessional, assistant teacher, and 3K/pre-K roles immediately upon graduation with the associate degree.
Contact Program Director
Dr. Tonya Johnson
Associate Professor
Department of Education & Academic Literacy
Colston Hall [CO], Room 429
Phone: 718.289.5679