The Office of Institutional Effectiveness (OIE) provides, and effectively communicates, timely and accurate information and analyses to support institutional effectiveness and decision-making throughout the college. OIE is responsible for managing institutional and program assessment, accreditation, and planning. The Office conducts comprehensive research and analytical studies to facilitate and advance the College’s efforts to fulfill its mission and strategic goals.


Goal 1: Provide accurate, timely, and accessible information and analysis to facilitate institutional decision-making at all levels of the institution.

Goal 2: Manage a comprehensive program of institutional and programmatic surveys and external reporting requirements.

Goal 3: Promote and support efforts to assess student learning and institutional effectiveness.

Goal 4: Facilitate institutional planning and accreditation initiatives.

Goal 5: Foster a culture of professionalism and collegiality.


Raymond Galinski
Dean, Institutional Effectiveness

Chris Efthimiou
Director of IR and Testing

Handan Hizmetli
Associate Director

Chelsea Ramos
Institutional Research Specialist

Antonia Poline
IR Analyst

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