Unit goals should articulate what the unit strives to accomplish. Goals broadly describe the most important services the unit provides and identify key functions that support the College’s mission and/or strategic plan. Goals should be realistically ambitious. They are typically not directly measurable.

Expected outcomes are measurable statements, aligned with each goal, that describe what should the unit expects to occur as a result of performing the work of the unit. When measured appropriately, outcomes provide evidence of how well you are accomplishing your goals. The focus should be on the major expected outcomes of your unit.  Similar to goals, outcomes assessment expected outcomes should be aspirational but not unattainable given existing resources.  Outcomes can be both operational or student learning relates.  Below are examples from a Career Services and Financial Aid Department.

Examples of Goals and Outcomes

Career Services Learning Goal: Students will be prepared to seek employment upon completion of a degree

Expected Learning Outcome 1.1.: Students will demonstrate the ability to write professional-style resumes in their desired field

Expected Learning Outcome 1.2.: Students will be able to effectively interview for employment

Financial Aid Office Operational Goal: Efficiently Process Financial Aid Applications

Expected Outcome: Increase the number of applications processed by July 1

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