Podcasting & Flipped Classroom Techniques (PFCT)
The Podcasting & Flipped Classroom Techniques Seminar trains faculty in the creation of pedagogically-sound screencasts, audio and video podcasts, and their inclusion into a Flipped Classroom student experience (a pedagogical technique that requires students to watch, listen and interact with subject material prior to class to better prepare them for greater engagement and deeper learning activities within class) by providing participating faculty instruction, attainable seminar outcomes, and assistance.
Podcasting & Flipped Classroom Techniques Seminar Applications
Applications for the Summer ’19-Fall ’19 Podcasting & Flipped Classroom Techniques seminar are now being accepted until April 1st, 2019. Please view/download both the seminar information sheet and application form:
Next Meeting(s):
- Jun 5th, 6th & 7th ’19, 9 am – 4 pm, PH B2
Seminar Mentors:
Moronke Oshinmartin
Monique Guishard
David Puglia
Dominique Padurano
Lightboard Sessions
Richard Martinez
(718-289-5100 Ext. 5075)
Clicker Sessions
Jose Lai
(718-289-5100 Ext. 5471)