Welcome Library Users!

Our college library provides a modern, comfortable and quiet place for students and faculty to study,  do research and engage in other academic pursuits.  Librarians are available on-site at the reference desk during nearly all open hours and via online chat reference after hours.  In addition, our library is a modern facility featuring private group study rooms and over 200 computers that are at your disposal.  Our mission is to help you succeed. Please stop by, ask questions and get the help you need.  In addition to our expansive book and audiovisual (DVDs and videocassettes) collection, we have an array of databases that give you access to electronic books, magazine, newspaper, and journal articles. We also hold workshops, sponsor exhibits, loan laptop computers and more!  Know that we are here for you.  Our mission is to help EVERY STUDENT SUCCEED!  So stop by, ask questions, and get the help you need to make sure your education is the best it can be.  We look forward to assisting you.

Prof. Michael J. Miller, MLS, MS

Chief Librarian


North Hall Library, 2nd Floor

Library Hours


Phone: 718-289-5431

Information Desk: 718-289-5100 x3598

Reference Desk: 718-289-5974

Reference email


Ask a Librarian

How do I check out library materials?

Students, faculty and staff can check out circulating materials with a currently
validated CUNY ID card. Library privileges are suspended if you owe fines, $25 or more.

What is the loan period for library materials?

Regular circulating books (STACKS): 4 weeks
Reserve books: 3 hours (in-house use only)
Reserve books: 3 days (special collection)
CDs, DVDs, VHSs and audiocassettes: 3 hours (in-house use only)
Headphones: 3 hours (in-house use only)
Calculators: 1 month or 3 hours
Flip Cameras: 1 month
Kindle Fires: 1 month
Laptops: 1 month or 3 hours in-house
iPads: 1 week
MP3 Players: 1 month

How do you renew a book?

Books can be renewed in person or online. To renew online, “Sign In” to CUNY
OneSearch and then click on “My Account”

Can and how can I borrow titles from another CUNY library?

As a current student of BCC, you have access to all CUNY colleges’ libraries. You
can visit the colleges yourself (bring your validated BCC ID with you), or you can
order the book online while searching catalog through a system called CLICS.

Does the library offer workshops on how to use the library resources?

Yes, the library offers workshops for improving your research skills throughout
the semester. See our workshops and/or calendar of events page for further

How do I access library databases off-campus?

1. Go to E-Resources: http://bcc-cuny.libguides.com/az.php
2. Select a database
3. Enter your CUNY login username and password.

Username: firstname.lastname##@login.cuny.edu

Library fines of $25 or more, suspends your library privileges.

How much does printing/copying cost?


Single-side BW: .07
Single-side COLOR: .22
Double-sided BW: .05
Double-sided COLOR: .20


Single-side BW: .10
Single-side COLOR: .22
Double-sided BW: .07
Double-sided COLOR: .15

Each BCC student is allocated printing funds to their CUNY ID account.
semester: Full-time students $35; Part-time students $17.50.

If you do not have a CUNY ID, you can purchase a guest card for $1. You must add money to the guest card in order to print.

Can students reserve group study rooms?

Group study rooms may be used by BCC students with a currently validated BCC ID card.

The library never sleeps! Chat live with a librarian, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Librarians here at BCC or at other CUNY colleges will answer your question during the hours the BCC Library is open. After hours, you’ll get answers from librarians at colleges across the country and the world.

Did you know? 3-Day Loan Textbooks

Through the Textbook Initiative Program, the library has purchased copies of selected textbooks that our students are allowed to take home for a 3-day loan period. Please ask at the circulation desk.

Please note: The overdue fine for this collection is $10.00 per day per item, maximum $200.00

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