Content Services is charged with developing and managing a collection that supports the education mission of the College and its programs. Content Services includes acquisitions and cataloging. It is committed to maintaining a collection that contains high quality resources that represent diverse points of view. We know that this effort will help our students reach their academic, intellectual and professional goals.

The collection consists of books (print and electronic), databases, and audiovisual and streaming materials. We encourage you to participate in developing our collection through suggestions; contact your Library Liaisons representative.


  • Acquisition of new resources in various formats, books, periodicals, digital resources and media resources.
  • Processing and cataloging of resources.
  • Periodically access and analyze the library’s collection for quality and accessibility.
  • Deselection of resources.


Collection Development Policy is also available for your perusal.


Asst. Prof. Nelson Santana is the Head of Content Services. He can be reached at 718-289-5100 ext. 3561 or via email at Nelson.Santana02@bcc.cuny.edu


North Hall Library, 2nd Floor

Summer 2024 Hours


Phone: 718-289-5431

Content Services: 718-289-5100 x3561

Reference Desk: 718-289-5974

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