Training & Development
The Office of Human Resources offers multiple trainings to Bronx Community College employees. Here you will find annual mandatory trainings and development trainings to invest in the professional skills, academic knowledge and personal development of BCC employees to better serve, teach, and lead our students.
Learn about the mandatory trainings, including who is required to attend and how often the training must be done. Also, find links to complete online trainings and dates for upcoming trainings below. Finally, the Office of Human Resources is compiling training and professional development workshops offered by CUNY Central and other local resources.
Mandatory Trainings
As a CUNY Bronx Community College employee, the following trainings are mandatory.
As per the directive issued by New York State, training is required for all employees who are visiting or working at any City University of New York office or facility.
All employees must participate in the New York State COVID19 Response: Return to Work Training located in CUNY Blackboard. You must complete the training to visit or work onsite at BCC. If you have not done so already, please login to CUNY Blackboard to complete the course. The course is actually a 12-minute video which was provided by the State it covers:
- An overview of COVID-19
- Daily screening protocols for employees reporting to agency and authority worksites
- How to get tested for COVID-19
- Rules for social distancing, use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and other measures to work safely in agency and authority worksites
- Managing stress and anxiety
The course is available under the “My Organizations” area on the right hand side of the screen on you login to CUNY Blackboard. If you need assistance with accessing or using Blackboard, training instructions can be found at: Click Here
In accordance with the mandates of New York State Labor Law Section 201-G, all active Full-Time and Part-Time employees are registered for Employee Sexual and Interpersonal Violence Prevention and Response Course (“ESPARC”) provided by The City University of New York. New York State Law requires employees to complete this training annually. The course is provided via CUNY Blackboard. If you have not done so already, please log-in to CUNY Blackboard to complete the course.
The course is available under the “My Organizations” area on the right hand side of the screen on you login to CUNY Blackboard. If you need assistance with accessing or using Blackboard, training instructions can be found at: Click Here
In compliance with New York State law and CUNY Policy, both Full-Time and Part-Time CUNY employees are required to complete the Workplace Violence Awareness and Prevention at least once each academic year. For more information, please refer to the CUNY Workplace Violence Policy.
The course is available under the “My Organizations” area on the right hand side of the screen on you login to CUNY Blackboard. If you need assistance with accessing or using Blackboard, training instructions can be found at: Click Here
This course familiarizes employees with the resources offered by CUNY Computing & Information Services.
The course takes approximately 40 minutes and all users should complete the course within the first 30 days of employment and annually thereafter.
Professional Development
As a CUNY Bronx Community College employee, CUNY provides professional development and training opportunities that are designed to enhance your knowledge, skills, and competencies.
DCAS Citywide Learning & Development (DCAS L&D) is the central source of training within NYC
government for managerial, clerical, professional, and technical employees. Our DCAS Citywide
Training Center (DCAS CTC) offers agencies a full range of courses, workshops and seminars to meet
the training and professional development needs of City employees at all levels. Our courses and
programs are offered in multiple portfolios. Most of the classes in each portfolio are delivered at the
DCAS Citywide Training Center.
The CUNY CIS Training Resource Center are your friends for all things technology. The following are resources and trainings CIS provides:
CIS training webinar’s can be found here
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Human Resources
Human Resources
Location: South Hall, Room 106
Office Hours: Mon.- Fri. 9 a.m- 5 p.m.
P: 718.289.5119
F: 718.289.6000