DegreeWorks is a computerized degree audit program and academic advising tool designed to assist in reviewing your degree progress. DegreeWorks reorganizes your transcript chronologically and categorically, easily identifying courses you have completed and those courses you still need to fulfill your degree requirements.
For information on how to navigate DegreeWorks, click here.
Note: DegreeWorks is not an official transcript. It serves as a planning tool to assist you and your academic advisor in mapping out your path towards degree completion.
DegreeWorks will help:
- Determine what requirements you need to fulfill to complete your degree.
- View individual course grades, cumulative grade-point average (GPA), and major average.
- Determine which courses you have taken or transferred, and which ones count as electives.
- View transfer credits, waivers, and exemptions applied toward degree.
- See how your coursework can be applied toward another major, minor, certificate or major concentration using the ‘What If’ option.
- Confirm your academic standing.
- Estimate how many semesters it will take you to graduate.
- Learn the requisites for courses by clicking on the course number
To access your student audit go to: DegreeWorks
Log-in using your CUNYfirst username followed by and your CUNYfirst password
If you notice any issues with your audit, please email the DegreeWorks Coordinator
Frequently Asked Questions
What is DegreeWorks?
DegreeWorks is a web-based program that enables you to easily track your academic progress. You will be able to see how specific College requirements have been met and what courses you can take to fulfill the requirements which are remaining. With the click of a tab (the ‘What If’ feature), you will also be able to see how your academic requirements might change if you were to change your major.
Who can see my Degree Audit?
Staff advisors, faculty advisors, deans, and selected registrar and admissions staff have access to your degree audit.
How is a DegreeWorks worksheet different from a transcript?
DegreeWorks is not your academic transcript nor is it an official notification of completion of degree requirements. Changes made to your official academic record will take at least 24-48 hours to be reflected in your DegreeWorks report. This progress report does not supersede the College Catalog and/or academic policies. Your transcript, however, is your official College record, and it must be requested from the Registrar’s Office. Go to the College website and search for Transcript Request for more details.
What if I think my worksheet is incorrect?
If you think that a requirement is incorrect, you should meet with an Academic Advisor or consult the official College catalog.
NOTE: Students who have graduated may not see an audit once the graduation notation has been posted to their transcript. Students considering readmission will not be able to see a degree audit until they officially readmit to the College.
Why are there classes that I took on another school not showing in my major on DegreeWorks?
Transfer and Permit courses may be equivalent to College courses, but may not satisfy the residency requirement for the major or minor.
According to my audit, “Credits Applied” indicates I have more credits than I’ve actually completed. Why?
DegreeWorks counts completed and in-progress courses (currently in-progress and future courses you have registered for) in the ‘Credits Applied’ category.
What is SEP?
SEP stands for Student Educational Planner and it’s the newest feature of DegreeWorks, as of July 2017. SEP allows students and advisors to plan courses for every semester of enrollment to ensure that your program can be completed within the time allotted. If you are a student who is interested in having a SEP plan created, you should talk to your academic advisor.
Why does DegreeWorks show “Concentration is required”?
Some majors have varying tracks (concentrations); DegreeWorks will show ‘Concentration is required’ until the entirety of the concentration has been completed (i.e.: you have completed your major). The term concentration refers to a sub-plan of the major. Some departments may refer to sub-plans as concentrations or tracks. Confirm that you declare concentration and corresponding requirements are also appearing on DegreeWorks.
When a concentration is missing from your record the system will display ‘Concentration Block is not found.’ Please follow up with your Advisor to confirm that you’ve declared the appropriate major concentration and, if not, follow the instructions to declare/update it on your CUNYfirst record.
What does the “Not Counted” section at the end of my DegreeWorks mean?
‘Not Counted’ are courses that will not be applied to your record and will be subtracted from your total credit count. These courses may be duplicate courses (if there are duplicates, the program will automatically select the one taken first), cross-listed with another course also on your record, or courses that exceed the maximum allowable transfer credit limit.
What does “Elective Classes Allowed” mean?
Students are allowed a different number of general electives depending on the amount of coursework completed, as well as the number of credits required by a student’s major, certificate or minor, to meet the total number of credits required for the Degree program. A student with an undeclared major will have a higher number of elective courses than a student who has declared a major or minor, and the elective classes allowed may change as majors are declared.
Does the “Electives Not Allowed” section mean that these credits are not being counted towards my degree?
‘Electives not allowed’ may count towards the degree and total credit count. However, any course that exceeds the number of credits for Elective Classes Allowed or do not apply to any requirement, will fall into this section. Students should pay attention to this area, since ‘In-Progress’ courses that appear in this section can affect financial aid eligibility ‘Electives not allowed’ are still counted towards the degree and total credit count.
Will I be graduated if everything is checked off?
You will need to apply for graduation. After you have successfully applied, you will undergo a review conducted by the Registrar’s Office and will be alerted if you have any issues. It is best to meet with an Academic Advisor and Departmental/Faculty (Major) advisor in the semester prior to applying for graduation.
Contact DegreeWorks
Colston Hall [CO], Room 513
Phone: 718-289-5245
Fax: 718-289-6308
Office Hours
Mondays & Thursdays
9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Tuesdays & Thursday
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
DegreeWorks Resources and Guides
- DegreeWorks How-To Video Tutorials
- Additional Student Resources for DegreeWorks
- DegreeWorks Security Access Form – To request advisor access to DegreeWorks please fill out and sign the DegreeWorks Access Request Form. Ensure your supervisor completes and signs the “Managerial Request Section.” Once the form is completed, email to or for processing.
For questions and/or comments on DegreeWorks, send emails to: