Special Registration Information
Get the classes that you want and the schedule that you need. Register today!
All students must be advised prior to registering for classes. Once advised, student’s advisement service indicator (AAA hold) will be cleared for registration.
Advisement for Continuing Students:
- Advisement in the Academic Departments and Academic Success Center: 10/21/24 – 12/06/24
- Advisement will continue with the Academic Success Center: 12/06/24 – 01/24/25
- Continuing students can make an appointment with their assigned academic advisor in Navigate: (https://www.bcc.cuny.edu/bcc-navigate/)
- ASAP Students – Call: 718.289.5166; Email: asap@bcc.cuny.edu
- College Discovery Students – Call: 718.289.5882; Email: collegediscovery@bcc.cuny.edu
- CUNY EDGE Students – Call:718.289.5849; Email: cunyedge@bcc.cuny.edu
- PTI (APEX) Students – Call: 718.289.5166; Email: PTI@bcc.cuny.edu
- Academic Success Center – Students Not Assigned to any Special Program – Call: 718.289.5401; Link: https://kiosk.na4.qless.com/kiosk/app/home/254?queues=1476
- Newly Enrolled Freshman and Transfer Students – Call: 718.289.5120; Email: FYP@bcc.cuny.edu
- Readmit Students – Call: 718 289.5401; Email: Academic.Advisement@bcc.cuny.edu
Student Type | Registration Start Dates |
Students with 45 or more units | 10/21/24 |
Students with 31-44 units | 10/22/24 |
Students with 16-30 units | 10/23/24 |
Students with 0-15 units | 10/24/24 |
Continuing Non-Degree | 11/04/24 |
E-Permit Students | 11/04/24 |
Readmit – Good Standing | 10/28/22 |
Readmit – Probation | 10/29/22 |
Open registration | 11/19/24 thru 01/24/2025 |
Winter / Spring 2025 In-Person Advising & Registration Dates
Friday, January 31 | 9:00 am – 5:00 pm | Zoom |
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 868 6122 4783
Passcode: 023720
Upcoming Events
There are no upcoming events.
Registration Information for Non-Degree Students or Visiting Students
If you are currently enrolled in a degree program at another college or university, have a bachelor’s degree, or would like to just take some credit courses for now, you may apply and register for courses.
Students will need to fill out a visiting student application, pay the processing fee, and submit documentation, such as transcripts or permits from home colleges.