THE ONLINE CHANGE OF GRADE (COG) APPLICATION went live on Tuesday, June 25, 2024.

Training sessions are now scheduled for Faculty/Chairs to learn how to utilize the ONLINE COG Application. For your convenience, please see the links below or visit the Grades page.

The Registrar’s Office, in collaboration with IT, is conducting training sessions to educate faculty and staff on the process of requesting grade changes through this efficient platform. This application facilitates seamless and error-free COG processing with easy tracking capabilities. It also ensures effective communication among faculty, chairpersons, and the registrar, sending email notifications to departments and students once grade changes are finalized. The training is available online. To register, simply use your BRONCO ID and register for any of the training dates via this link:

*Faculty/Chairs may schedule one-on-one trainings sessions which are available upon request. Please email request(s) to


The Bronx Community College grading policy is located under the Academic Rules and Regulation section of the College Catalog. Faculty members can find more detailed information on the college grading policy.

Grading System

Grade % Equivalent Achievement Level Quality Point Weight
A+ 97 – 100 Superior 4.0
A 93 – 96.9 Excellent 4.0
A- 90 – 92.9 ––– 3.7
B+ 87 – 89.9 Above Average 3.3
B 83 – 86.9 Good 3.0
B- 80 – 82.9 ––– 2.7
C+ 77 – 79.9 ––– 2.3
C 73 – 76.9 Average 2.0
C- 70 – 72.9 Below Average 1.7
D+ 67 – 69.9 Below Average 1.3
D 63 – 66.9 Below Average 1.0
D- 60 – 62.9 Below Average 0.7
F 0 – 59.9 Failure 0.0
R† ––– Repeat 0.0
P** ––– Passing Grade –––
CR ––– Credit Earned –––
NC ––– No Credit –––

** This is a passing grade but it carries no quality points. Even though the credits are counted toward graduation, they are not concluded in the computation of the scholastic index.

† Issued only in remediation courses (equated credit skills improvement courses). Students receiving the grade of R are required to repeat the course or the department’s equivalent in the particular skill development area.

Explanation of Symbols on your Transcript
Symbols Explanation
@ No credit for Degree. (Remedial courses)
# F, WU, FIN or FAB Grade Policy. If a student retakes a course and receives a “C” or better, the “F” is removed from the calculation of the GPA.
* Courses removed due to statute of limitation
* Removed because course already taken and passed

Please Note: Grades of E, G, H, J, K, L and U are no longer awarded. The last term of issuance was Spring 1974.

Administrative Grades
J or W Withdrew Officially—Student initiated grade.
Received when students officially withdraw from a
course in which they have participated in an academically related activity. This action is possible beginning with the end of the registration period and up
until the deadline, as listed in the academic
calendar, for a particular semester. No impact on GPA.
H or WU Withdrew unofficially and/or Excessive Absence (counts as a failure received prior to Fall 2021). Academic Penalty Removal for WU grade Effective Fall 2021.
WD Withdrew Drop – Assigned by the Registrar’s office
for Drops after financial aid certification date during
the program adjustment period. Student participated in an academically related activity at least once. No impact on GPA.
NC Grade received prior to Fall 1996
G or WF Withdrew Failing or student was dropped for poor scholarship.
WA Administrative Withdrawal. The grade applied to students who are excluded from classes for reasons of non-compliance with immunization regulations. No impact on GPA.
U or AUD Audit – Course not taken for credit or grade.
NC Received at the end of Fall 1976 semester or after.
Official withdrawal from all courses. Leave of absence granted. No penalty
WN Withdrew / Never Attended-Assigned to students who
register for courses but do not attend. No impact on GPA.
Temporary Grades
L or INC Incomplete. The student has failed to complete some work in the course, but upon such completion is expected to pass the course. If unresolved by the last day of instruction of the following semester for which the “INC/L” was received, it will convert to an “FIN” which is equivalent to an “F”.
Z Administrative grade assigned temporarily when an instructor has been delayed in submitting the final grade.
E Doubtful. Becomes either “D” or “F” after examination or special audit.
PEN Temporary grade awarded when the disposition of the final grade requires further evaluation and when the absent or incomplete grades are inappropriate. “PEN” is also used to facilitate the implementation of the Procedures for Imposition of Sanctions whereby colleges must hold a student’s grade in abeyance pending the outcome of the academic review process. The “PEN” grade will not lapse to FPN; final determination of a grade will depend on final evaluation by the instructor or the outcome of the college’s academic review process.
COVID-19 Flexible Grading Policy

COVID-19 Flexible Grading Policy (CR/NC)  FAQs

Pass / No Pass Policy

This policy can protect your GPA from the negative effects of a low passing or failing grade in a course. Note: This policy should not be confused with the COVID 19 Flexible Grading Policy that was only available to you in spring/fall 2020.

It allows for course-level, pass/no pass grading: An earned letter grade of A, B, C, D is recorded as a “P” and a failing F grade is recorded as an “NC” (no credit). With a P grade, you will earn credit for the course, but with no effect on your GPA. With an NC grade, you will not earn credit, but there is also no effect on your GPA.

It requires that both you and your professor agree to Pass/No Pass grading for the course, and to file this agreement with Registrar by the last day to withdraw from classes. The instructor is not obligated to grant this request. In order to receive this grade, a student needs to continue attending the class, complete all assignments, and take the final exam.

It limits the number of times that you can apply Pass/No Pass grading to a maximum of two (2) courses while attending BCC.

It is not an option for courses in a program (e.g., Nursing) that requires a specific minimum grade in certain courses.

It may not be an option for courses in a program that receives certification or accreditation from external agencies. These programs include:

Accounting, Business Administration
Computer Information Systems
Medical Office Assistant
Office Administration & Technology
Automotive Technology
Electronic Engineering Technology
Nuclear Medicine Technology
Paralegal Studies
Radiologic Technology
Medical Laboratory Technician

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