
Chair: Peter Kolozi

Vice Chair: Nefertiti Cano

Secretary: Leon Battista


Location: Colston Hall, Room 311
Time: 12 – 2 pm

Fall 2024: 9/24, 10/22, 11/19, 12/10
Spring 2025: 3/4, 4/1, 5/6

Agenda & Minutes

For minutes of previous meetings visit:

Committee on Budget & Financial Planning

Functions of the Committee on Budget & Financial Planning:

  1. Review, inform, and make recommendations to the Senate on financial planning.
  2. Receive complete and timely information from the College Administration regarding budgets and the budgets of affiliated organizations including, but not limited to, Auxiliary Enterprises, BCC Inc., and BCC Foundation.
  3. Research and inform the Senate about the financial and budgetary affairs of the college including, but not limited to, enrollment, staffing, revenue, and expenditures.
  4. The committee may seek additional related information and/or institutional data.
  5. Maintain a Budget/Financial Documents Archive as a resource for documents provided in current and prior years.  The Archive shall be curated by a faculty member designated by the committee.


If you are a member of the BCC community who has concerns about a potential infringement on your Academic Freedom during this time, please e-mail the Chair of the Committee, Peter Kolozi:

Committee Members:

  • Peter Kolozi (Social Sciences)
  • Nefertiti Cano (Nursing & Allied Health Sciences)
  • Edward Lehner (Education & Academic Literacy)
  • Luis Cortorreal (CLT)
  • Mariah Duchatellier (SGA)
  • Samantha Ventura (Student)
  • Maria Afnaj (Student)
  • Vacant (Student)

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