There are many social media sites associated with BCC.  Management of official sites are handled as follows:

  • The College’s primary social media channels are managed by the College’s Electronic Media Manager
  • BCC’s electronic media manager advises campus social media content managers who are responsible for the College’s secondary social media channels.
  • College units manage the content posted to their respective department sites.

If you are exploring the creation of your own office or administrative department presence on social media, please contact the electronic media manager to discuss the process and address best practices, naming conventions, graphic needs, etc. All BCC recognized social media sites must first be approved by the Electronic Media Manager.


In an effort to help expedite all Communication and Marketing requests, we have implemented a new tracking system for your upcoming projects. We now use Trackit, the same workorder system as the IT department.

It is a simple and intuitive tool that will help us to communicate better and facilitate your requests in a much more timely manner.

To use simply go to:  Once there, click on Communications and Marketing and sign in with your BCC credentials.
Once you have all the information i.e. copy, artwork, sizes, etc. please type the details of your request in the “Work Order Description” box.  Be sure to submit your copy as a Microsoft Word document as an attachment. With regard to graphic design requests, please type the details of your request in the “Work Order Description” and be sure to include all desired artwork, logos etc.

If you need to submit multiple attachments, you will first need to save the initial request, then go back in and add subsequent attachments.

All website projects, and requests for social media marketing should be submitted through Trackit as well. The submission process is exactly the same. The only difference is when you fill in the “Summary” please be sure to indicate if the nature of your project is web or social media based. For example: WEB – homepage billboard needed for Convocation or SOCIAL MEDIA – On The Spot Registration.

If you have any questions about your design request, please contact Therese LeMelle at 718.289.5060 or Debra Isaacs at 718.289.5145.

If you have any questions about your web/social media request, please contact Naomi “Amy” Michelin at or 718.289.5150.

If you have any IT questions about Trackit, please contact Hugo Sanchez at 718.289.3119.

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