Carl Polowczyk Hall 320 - Windows Platform
- Diagram Editor (DIA)
- Eclipse
- Introduction to Algebra
- Jaws 19
- Keyboarding
- Kurzweil 3000 for Windows
- Maple
- Mathematica
- Microsoft Office
- Microsoft Visual Studio
- Notepad ++
- Pre-Algebra
- Pre-Calculus
- Putty
- Python
- Zoom Text Fusion 2019
Colston Hall 602/603 - Windows Platform
- Introduction to Algebra
- Jaws 19
- Keyboarding Pro
- Kurzweil 3000 for Windows
- Mathematica
- Microsoft Office
- Microsoft Visual Studio
- Notepad ++
- Pre-Algebra
- Pre-Calculus
- Putty
- Zoom Text Fusion 2019
Loew Hall 320 - Windows Platform
- Introduction to Algebra
- Maple
- Mathematica
- Microsoft Office
- Microsoft Visual Studio
- Pre-Algebra
- Pre-Calculus
Meister Hall 224 - Windows Platform
- Adobe Creative Suite
- Browsers (Chrome, FireFox, Internet Explorer)
- Eclipse
- Introduction to Algebra
- Jaws 19
- Keyboarding
- Kurzweil 3000 for Windows
- Maple
- Mathematica
- Microsoft Office
- Microsoft Visual Studio
- Notepad ++
- Pre-Algebra
- Pre-Calculus
- Putty
- Python
- Zoom Text Fusion 2019
Meister Hall 225 - Mac OS Platform
- Adobe Creative Cloud
- Microsoft Office
Meister Hall 302 - Windows Platform
- Introduction to Algebra
- Jaws 19
- Keyboarding
- Kurzweil 3000 for Windows
- Maple
- Mathematica
- Microsoft Office
- Microsoft Visual Studio
- Pre-Algebra
- Pre-Calculus
- Quickbooks Pro
- Zoom Text Fusion 2019
Meister Hall 318 - Windows Platform
- Adobe Creative Cloud
- Eclipse
- Introduction to Algebra
- Jaws 19
- Keyboarding
- Kurzweil 3000 for Windows
- Maple
- Microsoft Office
- Microsoft Visual Studio
- Notepad ++
- Pre-Algebra
- Pre-Calculus
- Putty
- Python
- Zoom Text Fusion 2019
Meister Hall 320 - Windows Platform
- GEO Spatial
- Introduction to Algebra
- Jaws 19
- Kurzweil 3000 for Windows
- Maple
- Mathematica
- Microsoft Office
- Microsoft Visual Studio
- Pre-Algebra
- Pre-Calculus
- Keyboarding Pro
- Medisoft
- Notepad ++
- Python
- Zoom Text Fusion 2019
Meister Hall G01 - Mac OS Platform
- Adobe Creative Cloud
- Microsoft Office
- ProTools
Meister Hall G02 - Windows Platform
- Eclipse
- Introduction to Algebra
- Jaws 19
- Kurzweil 3000 for Windows
- Mathematica
- Maple
- Microsoft Office
- Microsoft Visual Studio
- Notepad ++
- Pre-Algebra
- Pre-Calculus
- Putty
- Python
- Zoom Text Fusion 2019
Meister Hall G16 - Windows Platform
- Eclipse
- Introduction to Algebra
- Jaws 19
- Keyboarding
- Kurzweil 3000 for Windows
- Maple
- Mathematica
- Microsoft Office
- Microsoft Visual Studio
- Pre-Algebra
- Pre-Calculus
- Putty
- Quickbooks Pro
- Zoom Text Fusion 2019
Meister Hall G17 - Windows Platform
- Eclipse
- Introduction to Algebra
- Jaws 19
- Keyboarding
- Kurzweil 3000 for Windows
- Maple
- Mathematica
- Microsoft Office
- Microsoft Visual Studio
- Pre-Algebra
- Pre-Calculus
- Putty
- Quickbooks Pro
- Zoom Text Fusion 2019
Nichols Hall 101 - Windows Platform
- Eclipse
- Introduction to Algebra
- Jaws 19
- Keyboarding
- Kurzweil 3000 for Windows
- Maple
- Mathematica
- Microsoft Office
- Microsoft Visual Studio
- Notepad ++
- Pre-Algebra
- Pre-Calculus
- Putty
- Python
- Zoom Text Fusion 2019
Contact Us
Office Hours
Monday – Friday
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.