ADA Policy Statement

We are committed to providing and promoting equal opportunities in all of its activities and services. This commitment includes following the mandates of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (“ADA”), a federal law that makes it unlawful to discriminate against a qualified person with a disability in all aspects of the academic and/or employment process and in the provision of services and benefits. We are also committed to its obligations, as an employer, under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended and applicable to state and local disability and discrimination constitutional provisions and statutes.

We strictly prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability in:

  • admission to, access to, and/or operation of its public programs, services, or activities; and/or
  • its hiring or employment practices.

An individual and/or student with a disability is any person who:

  • has an actual physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more of that person’s major life activities; and/or
  • has a record of such an impairment; and/or
  • is regarded as having such an impairment; and/or
  • falls within one or more of the disabling conditions protected by the federal, state and local constitution and statutes.

Further, it is our policy and the policy of CUNY not to exclude persons with a disability from participation in any academic and/or employment program or activity. Accordingly, our policy provides access to all of its programs, services and facilities to persons with disabilities in accordance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Contact Us

Grisselle Nadal
ADA & Title IX Compliance Coordinator
Chief Diversity Officer/Director
Location: Language Hall [LH], Room 37
Telephone: 718-289-5487

Oluwafemi Akinsanya
Affirmative Action Specialist
Location: Language Hall [LH], Room 31
Telephone: 718.289.5154


Complaints derived from a “denied” request for a reasonable accommodation and/or that a BCC program, service, or activity is not accessible to persons with disabilities are to be filed with the Office of Affirmative Action, Compliance and Diversity from the CUNY Charge of Discrimination Complaint Form, except for complaints against the President or the Office of Affirmative Action, Compliance and Diversity. This form is available to students, faculty, administrative staff and/or applicants by request through regular/certified mail to the Office of Affirmative Action, Compliance and Diversity..

Individuals in need of any other services from the College are invited to make their needs or requests known to the ADA Compliance Coordinator.

Other Medical Related Conditions

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has highlighted specific types of reasonable accommodations for people with cancer, diabetes, epilepsy, and intellectual disabilities. Please click on the links below to learn more.

Pregnancy and/or Pregnancy Related Medical Condition(s)

Bronx Community College does not discriminate against any student on the basis of pregnancy and/or any pregnancy-related medical condition(s). Absence from school and school-related activities due to such medical condition(s) related to pregnancy will be excused for as long as deemed medically necessary by a student’s doctor. A student requiring this type of absence will be given the opportunity to make up missed course work. Students that require assistance can seek information on obtaining an accommodation from the Office of Disability Services at 718-289-5874, or you can also contact Ms. Grisselle Nadal, the campus ADA and Title IX Coordinator/Chief Diversity Officer, with the Office of Affirmative Action, Compliance and Diversity at 718-289-5487.

Fact Sheet re: Pregnancy and Parenting Student Rights

FAQ’s re: Pregnancy and Parenting Student Rights

For more information on student accommodations, please visit our Office of Disability Services.

Accommodation for Service Animals

Several federal, state and city laws govern CUNY’s obligations to accommodate disabled persons using service animals in its facilities. In addition, residence halls are subject to more expansive obligations than other University facilities. The memorandum below updates CUNY’s previous memorandum on this topic and provides a description of the relevant laws and CUNY’s obligations under those laws in order to ensure compliance in University facilities, including residence halls.

Accommodation of Service Animals

H504 ADA Committee

The College has a 504/ADA Compliance Coordinator who is appointed by the President. This 504/ADA Compliance Coordinator is responsible for:

  • Monitoring the college for 504/ADA compliance
  • Resolving issues before they become potential grievances
  • Making sure that employees with disabilities are accommodated
  • Making sure that students with disabilities receive the same opportunities that other students receive in the most integrated fashion
  • Providing training to those who interact with people with disabilities

Grisselle Nadal serves as the 504/ADA Compliance Coordinator for this campus. Should you wish to speak with Ms. Nadal, please contact the Office of Affirmative Action, Compliance and Diversity at 718.289.5487.

The 504/ADA Compliance Committee serves as an advisory committee to the 504/ADA Compliance Coordinator. The committee assists in formulating new ideas and monitoring the College for 504/ADA Compliance. The Committee is comprised of representatives from various divisions, departments, programs, and services that make up the College. The Director of the Office of Disability Services is a member of the committee.

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