
Chair: Laurence Brenner

Vice-Chair: Andrea Ortuno

Secretary: Chris Efthimiou


The Committee meets monthly on Tuesdays. All meetings are open to the public. Meetings dates should be confirmed by referencing the College’s Calendar.

Location: North Hall & Library (NL) – Room 117 (for Spring 2025)
Time: 12 – 2:00 pm

Fall 2024: 9/3, 10/1, 11/5, 12/3
Spring 2025: 2/4, 3/4, 4/1, 5/6

Committee on Governance and Elections

Functions of the Committee on Governance and Elections:

  • Review the process of governance of the College on a continuing basis.
  • Prepare and present to the Senate a biennial evaluation of the governance of the College.
  • Recommend changes in administrative and governance structure and practices, and amendments to this document.
  • Consider recommendations from the administration, faculty, staff, and students for changes to this document.
  • Interpret the Governance Plan subject to Senate review and approval.
  • Conduct nominations and elections for the offices designated in the Governance Plan as well as for outside organizations with which the College may have an official connection, including:
    • Determining eligibility to vote and hold office.
    • Establishing procedures for disseminating information about candidates to their electorates.
    • Presenting nominations and reporting results to the College at-large.
    • Establishing procedures for nominations and elections not otherwise specified in the Governance Plan
  • Hear complaints regarding the breach of the Governance Plan or Bylaws and make recommendations to resolve such complaints.
  • Keven Bozelka (Communication Arts & Sciences)
  • Sara Brady (Communication Arts & Sciences)
  • Laurence Brenner (Communication Arts & Sciences)
  • Samael Dian (SGA)
  • Chris Efthimiou (Institutional Research)
  • Grisselle Nadal (Office of the President)
  • Andrea Ortuno (Art & Music)
  • Lourdes Rosario (Biological Sciences)
  • John Thomas Lorino (SGA)
  • Vacant (SGA)
  • Vacant (SGA)

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