Academics (1)
Extra Support / Tutoring (5)
Writing assistance covers nearly all academic subjects and takes place both virtually and in person. Visit BCC’s Writing Center.
Yes. BCC’s Virtual Learning Commons offers tutoring assistance in the STEM areas, including lecture notes, videos, Open Educational Resources (OERs), and simulations tailored to courses in Biology, Chemistry and Math.
You can find tutoring in the Learning Commons. BCC provides extensive support to help students with their academic classes. Instructional support beyond the classroom — both in-person and online — is provided when needed in all subject areas ranging from math, science, and English to writing.
Math and Computer Science tutoring is available in-person and online. Appointments are prioritized and highly recommended. See details here.
Grades / GPA (3)
Yes – for more information, see
Contact your advisor or visit our catalog section on academic policies and procedures.
Final grades are posted in CUNYfirst.
Calendar (5)
View the Final Exam Schedule.
Make sure to check out the college calendar and bookmark the link so you know when classes are in session and when they are not.
You can find this information on the college calendar.
You can find this information on the college calendar.