We offer academically enriching and enhanced experiences to highly motivated and qualified students. You can take designated honors courses, honors contracts in regular courses and enroll in the Honors Scholars Program.

Writing and critical thinking skills are at the heart of our curricula. We feature assignments that build upon your accomplishments. Activities include extensive reading and writing. Our classes also may include individual and group presentations, research projects, opportunities for close interaction with faculty and participation in community and cultural events.

Our committed and caring professors and counselors will provide the personal attention and support that you will need to excel. We challenge you to make full use of your intellectual gifts and to develop your creative, analytical, problem-solving, communication and leadership skills. We are seeking qualified candidates to join our program.


  • Eligibility to take any honors courses
  • Honors course notation on your transcript
  • Participation in on-campus Honors Program events
  • Letters of recommendation for transfer to four-year colleges or for employment
  • Honors Scholar certificate, golden cord and medallion at graduation

Contact Us

Alicia Bralove Ramírez, World Languages and Cultures
Email: alicia.bralove@bcc.cuny.edu
Phone: 718-289-5649
(Please note: Email is a more efficient way to contact me.)
Office: CO 240
Office hours: Mon: 3-4 p.m. (in person); Weds: 3-4 p.m. (online)
Also available by appointment

Liz Hardman, History
Email: elizabeth.hardman@bcc.cuny.edu
Google Phone: 914-502-9914
Office: CO 344
Office hours:
Mon & Wed: 1:30 – 2:30 PM (and by appointment, in person and on Zoom)


Every year we celebrate and acknowledge the hard work of our students. Certificates are awarded to students who successfully complete an Honors Course or Honors Contract. Gold Cords are awarded to graduating students. Medals are awarded to graduating BCC Honors Program Scholars.

Honors Courses: If you are a self-motivated student and interested in challenging yourself academically, you can enroll in a designated honors course. These courses are highly interactive and emphasize critical thinking and strong writing skills. To qualify, a 3.0 or higher GPA and a minimum of nine college credits is required for current students. Current students who have not yet earned 9 credits but have a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA are eligible with the recommendation of an advisor in consultation with the Honors Program Coordinators. New students with no GPA and no remedial needs are also eligible with the recommendation of an advisor in consultation with the Honors Program Coordinators. For you to receive an honors course notation on your transcript, you will need to complete the class with a B+ or higher. More about Honors Courses

Honors Contracts: If you are enrolled in a non-honors course, you may opt for an honors contract in many of the courses offered. Upon approval from the instructor, you will enter into an honors contract, which allows you to earn honors credit in the non-honors course.  The honors contract is an agreement between you and your instructor. Honors contract forms are on the BCC website and must be submitted by both the student and the instructor by the 7th week of the semester. It specifies honors level objectives and tasks that you will need to complete in addition to those of the normal class. To qualify, a 3.2 or higher GPA and a minimum of nine college credits is required. In exceptional circumstances, a student who does not meet these guidelines may, in consultation with the Honors Program Coordinators and the instructor, be approved for an honors contract. For you to receive an honors course notation on your transcript, you will need to complete the class with a B+ or higher. Find out more about Honors Contract.  

Students can access the contract by clicking on the following link: BCC Honors Contract: Student

Course instructors can access the contract by clicking on the following link: BCC Honors Contract: Instructor

Honors Program Scholars: If you have completed at least one honors course or honors contract with a B+ or higher and have a 3.4 or higher GPA, you qualify to apply to become an Honors Program Scholar Candidate. Applications to become an Honors Program Scholar Candidate are due by the 4th week of the semester. The application process includes an online form, essay and an interview. If accepted, you must then complete four or more honors courses or honors contracts with a minimum of 12 college credits (each with a grade of B+ or higher), complete a community engagement project, complete an Honors Program Scholar ePortfolio and meet regularly with the Honors Program Coordinators. When you complete all the requirements, you will receive special recognition as a BCC Honors Program Scholar at the annual Honors Program Celebration. Find out more about Honors Program Scholars.

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