The First Year Program (FYP) offers faculty professional development for First Year Seminar (FYS 11).

FYP Faculty Professional Development Programs

  • Faculty lead initiatives that are planned, coordinated and implemented by our Faculty Coordinators and Faculty Mentors.
  • Instructors teaching within the First Year Program are invested in student success.
  • All faculty complete a semester-long professional development program that provides resources to support an active, engaging and supportive learning environment.

FYS Faculty Development

Before teaching FYS, all new instructors must participate in extensive faculty training and development activities.  Essential components of the training include:

  • Creating a theme-based FYS course while integrating critical thinking skills and student personal development topics.
  • ePortfolio Pedagogy: Use of e-Portfolio as a tool for the cultivation of reflective practice, self-assessment and goal setting in students
  • Designing a Performance Task Assignment for critical thinking assessment on ePortfolio.
  • Integrating Peer Mentors, Academic Advisors, Librarians and other program partners in the seminar.

​Contact Us

First Year Program
Nichols Hall, Room 105
Phone: 718-289-5120

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